the game is ok, almost like a PC version of Raycrash...
but the problem of the game Are...
No player Rankings
No multiplayer
No missions and Rewards
No weapon upgrades
No item details in the In-Game stores
hoping there will be More Updates to improve this Game...
like having 2-3 weapon types can be used by the player...
having certain parts of mech generate a random skill...
players can now use their Username as a Pilot name, and can also give Names to their Fave Mechs...
energy shields...
artillery, homing missiles, cluster bombs, magnetic mines, emp grenades, etc etc...
weapons can be upgraded, like in CODM...
weapons will have Pros and Cons when being upgraded and added new parts...
players can make Guilds...
players can form Teams...
and finally...
we need More Maps and Different theme music...
Mentioned games

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