KPL Update: WB Swept LGD 4:1, eStarPro Took Down GK 4:2

Two matches were held yesterday in the KPL Spring Playoffs. The results are that WB swept LGD 4:1 in the loser group and eStarPro took down GK 4:2 in the winner group.
In game one of the series between WB and LGD, WB tried to delay the tempo of LGD at first. But the First Blood took place when LGD’s Dong Huang Tai Yi killed WB’s Di Renjie. At 21 minutes, there was a decisive team fight in the river, where WB killed four champions and lost only one, securing victory in this round.
In round two, WB continued their momentum. At 23 minutes, WB killed LGD’s Genghis Khan and killed Storm Dragon King, securing victory in this round.
              WB Huajuan won the MVP Award for game two of the series
.In round three, WB destroyed the base of LGD after killing Juggernaut. In round four, LGD bounced back via the excellent performance of Jiangcheng on Sun Shangxiang.
WB didn’t leave anything to chance in round five and, in the end, won this series 4:1. They entered the next round in the Playoffs and will face Guangzhou TTG on April 23rd.
Between eStarPro and GK, in game one of the series, eStarPro destroyed the second tower on the top lane at eight minutes. But afterward, GK killed four champions and lost one, securing victory in this round.
In round two, eStarPro aced GK at 15 minutes and successfully bounced back.
In round three, under the leadership of Huahai, eStarPro defeated GK. In round four, at 20 minutes, eStarPro killed three champions while losing only one.
Afterward, they tried to destroy the nexus of their enemy, but GK succeeded in the same goal first, which put the two sides at 2:2.
eStarPro won the fifth round with a 7k gold advantage by nine minutes. And in the end, they won the sixth round by considerable advantage and therefore won this series.
                           The 2022 KPL Spring Playoffs Schedule
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Yair Marn
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