Rise of Demons Review

If you’re looking for a rapid-paced action shooter, Rise of Demons might be for you. Rise of Demons is a first-person shooter title clearly inspired by Doom, one of the granddaddies of the FPS genre. Rise of Demons shares a lot in common with Doom, including mechanics, gameplay, and an overall focus on destroying all sorts of demons. It isn’t afraid to throw players into a proper monster shoot-out, and surviving will require agile maneuvering and making skilled use of the game’s array of weapon choices.
[b]Demonic Desolation and Futuristic Guns
[/b]As a fast-paced first-person shooter mobile game, Rise of Demons does pretty well with its general design, layout, and gameplay. Its only single-player mode revolves around killing demons in waves to pass through each stage. 
Players can slide, throw grenades, leap through the air, and swap weapons by cycling through them in a small inventory. As players progress through the waves, they’ll add new guns to their arsenal, providing additional firepower and new strategic options for engaging with the demonic enemies. 
A mentionable few that feel great to play are the Rocket Launcher, which fires out large missiles, and the Minigun, which spews out dozens of bullets per second. There are a wide variety of weapons in the game, but these two in particular feel fantastic to use against hordes of demons.[b]
Image Credited to Rise of Demons | HRC Logic Inc
In addition to weapons, players will receive energy cells and skill points after each wave. After each completed wave, the demons will multiply and grow in strength, and new classes of monsters will appear. Inevitably, even the most skilled players will reach a point where they can’t progress further; this is where their earned energy cells and skill points come into play. 
Image Credited to Rise of Demons | HRC Logic Inc
After collecting enough energy points, they can be spent to upgrade weapons through the armory menu. Players can also enhance their own abilities and movement powers by using skill points. To progress through to higher and more challenging waves, players must collect resources and continuously upgrade their weapons, stats, and skills to gain the upper hand.
[b]Too Much Speed
[/b]After playing Rise of Demons, I realized how clunky and jittery movement felt. Maneuvering around became nauseating as each movement left and right slowly tilted the screen, as if the character was sliding his head every time it turned. 
At times I felt like Rise of Demon’s speed was pushed into fast-forward just to feel similar to Doom. However, it’s almost too fast-paced for a mobile game; it doesn’t provide players with the leeway to react accordingly to the lightning-quick AI of the demons. I increasingly got caught off guard by the sheer chaotic speed of things, which eventually led to death and restarting.
This cycling process eventually started to become repetitive and a bit boring after getting the gist of the single-player mode. Yes, there are new demons, and new abilities and weapons to destroy them with, but ultimately the objective stays the same. The waves are usually condensed into preset maps with some obstacles and unique architecture, but you’ll only be able to stay in the arena.[b]
Image Credited to Rise of Demons | HRC Logic Inc
When all is said and done, Rise of Demons only gives players two objectives to pursue: destroy demons and succeed in passing to the next wave. It’s a one-dimensional approach that feels appropriately old-school like its source material, but it means that I didn’t find a lot of reason to keep playing long-term. 
There is some potential for Rise of Demons to grow and hook me back in with updates. If the developers introduce events, cosmetic customizations, playable features, or even new modes, whether multiplayer or single-player, the game’s flow and appeal could completely change. It would also benefit greatly from more unique attack animations or melee options.
Rise of Demons has a long way to go before it becomes the kind of game that players can stick with for days or weeks on end. I was stunned by its visuals and character design, and the sound effects and UI get the job done well enough. Ultimately, it has its bright sides, but there’s still so much progress to be made before it becomes a dynamo of a shooter game.
Optimization Rundown
For now, Rise of Demons might not function perfectly on all devices; it’s only optimal to be played on mobiles with Android 9 and up, or iOS 11.00. Additionally, despite only containing one gameplay mode, Rise of Demons requires 700MB of storage (across iOS, or Android)—mostly because it’s an FPS title and contains detailed graphics. Finally, to help players with RAM and data loading, graphic configurations are available in the settings for maximum performance.  
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Fredster Blits_vlieg
Fredster Blits_vlieg
Thank you for the opportunity to give this game a go
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Thank you so much for this guide!
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𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲 B̶̶a̶̶n̶̶n̶̶e̶̶d̶̶
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲 B̶̶a̶̶n̶̶n̶̶e̶̶d̶̶
Is it available FPS only? no third person point of view
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