Mushroom Mayhem

"Wait... What is that?"A giant Mushroom Evil just appeared on the blueshroom prairie.
"That is Bashroom. It owns the precious Bashroom Essence. It has the myterious power which will turn you into the Master Evil. Let's get it before someone else take it!"
Mushroom Mayhem
Score blueshroom points and level up by eating blueshroom. Then you can choose your skill mastery after leveling up. The Bashroom will appear in a short period. The first chief who scored 800 blueshroom points will become the Master Evil. He/She will remain in Evil state until someone surpasses His/Her blueshroom point.
One of your team members becomes Master Evil and maintains the Evil state for the 60s. The time requirement will be shorter over time. You only have to maintain the Evil state for the 30s to win the match in the late game.
Source of Blueshroom:
Randomly generated on the map.Dropped from other chiefs when they were killed.Dropped from Bashroom by hitting it.
1. When being killed, you will drop a lot of blueshroom you ate and lose blueshroom points. It is very crucial to stay alive.
2. Skill mastery is randomly generated. Fight with your enemies and take their blueshroom if you have learned strong skill mastery in the early game.
3. Blueshroom will be dropped by hitting the Bashroom even if you don't kill the Bashroom.
4. A lot of blueshroom will be dropped from Bashroom when it has been killed. Wait for that chance to score a large amount of blueshroom points.
Are you getting more familiar with Mushroom Mayhem now? The second CBT test of BarbarQ2 is currently in progress in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. We welcome all Chiefs to download the package and start playing the game.
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