A lot of this game reminds me of Arknights, but not in the way that it feels like a clone or knockoff. It is the theme and attention to detail that feel similar, but they are very different games.
Despite clearly being a game that is influenced by foreign styles, the dialog is decently written. Direct translations tend to come off as a weak story, but it is much better than horrible spelling and grammar (as demonstrated in Soul Worker). The tutorial covers a lot of good strategy, but in a way that only fits the specific situation. I still felt a little lost when entering the game on my own, but auto play reminded me that I am not here to think.
It is amazing how simply rotating the board can make the same mechanics feel new again. You still place characters to defend against enemies and you still aim to defeat their leader, but somehow it doesn't seem the same as other games with the same purpose.
The artwork is impressive and the cutouts are not so simplified that they look like cheap imitations of the real character. The complex UI and detailed animations confirm that every design choice was intentional and not an attempt to cut corners. Unlocking wallpapers that can be used as the menu background is a nice touch. Minor details like this go a long way in adding customization.
This game is beautiful to look at, if nothing else. The introduction of auto play ruins it a bit for me, though. Games like this are amazing when the strategy is left to player. They are just visual novels when they start to play themselves. Still, as a visual novel, it is good.
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Ahhh.... I always wait for Valentine's review except for mobile triple A titles. If it's got everything on auto, then there's no point in playing. I totally agree with that. Thanks Valentine!
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