#Hero Analysis# Wolf King - the power of a wolf with the will of a man

The Wolf King is a classic character in Warcraft, in Warcraft he is a powerful leader and warrior, also in "Lord of War" the Wolf King is also a powerful high burst assassin. Let's take a look at it next.
【Attribute panel】
The attack power of 30549 already makes the Wolf King stand out among all heroes. The other attributes are more balanced.
Rage Skill
Wolf Tooth: Causes 221% damage of attack to 2 random enemies in the back row, venenates targets and causes damage equal to 70% Attack for 6 rounds and has a 65% chance to stun the target for 2 rounds and Damage Reduction +50% for 2 rounds.
Passive Effect
Edge Tracking: Born with the sharpness of wolf. Breaking Rate +21%. Attack +34%. HP +24%. Damage to poisoned targets +20.5%.
Savage Roar: Carries special viruses. Attack has a 100% of chance to poison the target. Causes 52.5% damage of attack constantly, Effect lasts for 6 rounds.
Secret Poison: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. When the hero’s HP is lower than 60%, 2 random enemies in the back row will be poisoned and suffer 190% damage of attack per round, Effect lasts for 4 rounds.(Only trigger once)
The Wolf King as an assassin, 221% damage to the back row is still very scary, while the accompanying poisoning effect continues to deduct blood and passive skills Edge Tracking with will also hit higher damage. Savage Roar brings the stun effect and increase the effect of damage also makes the wolf king's damage more explosive.
  With the title of the strongest assassin, the Wolf King is worth training or not? What do you think, looking forward to your comments!
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