
we all know and respect name of Diablo (well..hardcore aRPG fans like me atleast). And then this shit happend. Remember "is this an out of season aprils fool joke?"? Well blizzard delivered....a joke of a game with Diablo name. Jeez you have no idea how it pisses me off that this trash of a game has Diablo in its name...
Long story short. Diablo was my first game on playstation and me and my friend played it for hours! We ware kids, and has no memory cards, so every time we had to start from zero and get as far as we can in limited time. I was hooked to say the least.
Fastforward few years later, i got PC and Diablo2LOD expantion. You can bet your sweet ass i played D2 with every class, beat the game (norm/nm/hell) with every possible build.
Fastforward years later, blizzard announced that Diablo3 was on the way. Ow boy ow inner child was revived and hyped to the core!!!! But...when the game released...well i was disappointed. They cut off everything that made Diablo game Diablo. Gore? Cut off. Dark atmosphere? Cut off. Decart Cain? Killed off by a freaking butterfly. Freedom of choice with skillpoints/attributes? Cut off. U got premade version of skilltree and "customize it" was switching runes in it? Grinding for hours just to hit that lvl 99. U know where this is going... they cut if off too... capped at lv70 with infinite levels of paragons. Oh did i mention the part where i BEAT WHOLE FREAKING GAME SOLO IN 4HOURS?????? In 4...hours.... anyway moving on.
Blizzcon and Chengs joke about "we love Diablo". You sure do cheng.. out of all the shit that Blizzard did in its carrier Diablo Immoral was WORST OF THEM ALL!
1. This game is very pay to win.
2. You get bombarded by RANDOM P2W SHIT CONSTANTLY. There are shitloads of different materials and most of them (useful ones) come from real money transation.
3. As you progress trough the game and level up, u discover that by lvling up u unlock even more pay2win.
4. Items/skins/etc are character bound. That means: that 2000€ u spent on your necromancer will be on necromancer only.
5. Finding a party (you are forced to party play some dungeons) is mostly impossible or takes really long time.
6. Legendary gems that you can get 1(for free) are hidden by paywall yet again. I wont say anything about upgrading them.
And lucky number 7. ITS BORING! omg u have no idea how boring it gets after a while. I didnt play that long and got annoyed really fast by lvling up and "heres what u couldve had if youve bought this, but for now maybe you want to buy this X item? It has 36hours left for a discount of 90%. They place a psychological pressure on people (kids mostly, cuz normally functioning adult can and should see it) with "limited offer just for you, buy now or never". Not to mention the intentional price fixing. You want item for X€? Okey here are your choices: A. You can buy X€pack for 9.99€ but it just happends that ur just few points short. B. You can buy Y€pack for 15.99 get your item and u even have extra points left. Too bad u wont be able to use them because it just happens that ur few points short. C. You can buy Z€ pack for 99.99€ get your item and now u have points left to spend on whatever u like. This type of manipulation should be illegal, but whatever thats just my point of view.
All in all Diablo Immoral is really really bad game by design. There are games such as AnimaRPG, Hieretic Gods which give you ARPG with sense of progresion, more freedom of choice,  even Torchlight Infinite coming soon. Dont waste your time of atleast dont waste your money on this cashgrab app which offers basically nothing. Well ill be damned, that turned out quite a review. Sorry for long read, but i hope it helps people and saves them both time and money.
Mentioned games
eredar stoies
eredar stoies
r u mental? the game good for what it is. what did you expect from FREE MOBILE GAME? Have you even played mobile games that are free? All of them constantly bombard you with ads and offers to spend some cash on in-game puchases. All of them halt progress to a snail pace if you don't purchase bundles. And if torchlite infinite would be a free game it would be the same thing. Diablo immortal is pay to win. When and where? Did people realy fall for greed so much that they expect at least diablo 3 tier game for free that is not a cashgrab? If you want a good and not pay2win game for mobile, than be ready to buy it.
wild rift...
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Filipe Oliveira
Filipe Oliveira
really true
Hasif Khan
Hasif Khan
It's a mobile game you twat, the fuck were you expecting 😂😂😂 Of course it's a massive downgrade from consoles and pcs but again it's a mobile game buddy All in all, it's good for a mobile game
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