This game is losing its grip in the Market.

There are no servers in Middle-East and Asia region. Also, the Tech Support do not cater to the problems faced by players of these regions. The ping is so unstable irrespective of any network/bandwith used by us. Sometimes it even goes to 900ms thereby making the matches stuck at that screen. There is no optimization for all devices. I've been playing this game since Season 1 and it was okay during times. There wasn't much frame drops. But now, it feels like the Developers have abandoned this game. Plenty frame drops, serious  ping issues, server connecting failures and poor matchmaking too. And one of the biggest problems is Hackers don't get  banned in this game. It seems like they are using poor security protocols to manage this game. It's such a shame to see the downfall of such beautiful Apex Legends in Mobile Version when the players around the Globe were actually waiting for it's release anxiously. Many of players from my friend list have deleted this  game due to these issues. Neither Tech Support nor the Developers are  interested in fixing  it. Soon this game will Díe with such poor maintenance. FIX IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!!
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