Battle prime review by Ginisis

hello im Ginisis and welcome to another fps review,,
Battle prime has been in my playlist since it was released years ago, I play the beta version it was pretty impressive with the graphics and shooting but it lack lots of things, since then I didn't try it out later but I always had this game on my mind and recently I though I will finally check it out,,
Battle prime is 3rd person shooter thats also playable in first person mode, its extremely good looking game with detail environment and stage design, this has been like this since the game released in 2019, and honestly nothing positively change about this game, infact it gotten worse,,,
                 +++++ Its Just BAD +++++
From the game menu to the gun or character selection every thing is just confusing mess, back when Android spawn uncountable fps games these were the usual menu and honestly at that time people didn't seen game like PUBG COD or APEX LEGEND, but now days even the worse game have simple and smart menu,
And I know talking about menu screen doesn't make a game bad but im pointing out this to show how less the developers of this game care about the player base, basically you need to play this game for at least day or two to even understand the lame weapon selection menu,
And all there is on the screen is just icon of paying money to get this or paying money to get that, every single thing is behind a pay wall and it is unbelievably bad that I couldn't believe this game marketing forcing to pay player is so bad,,
Fps game always know for the progression system that keep game interesting and player invested, I take Apex Legends as an example since im playing that game mostly, in apex we have your daily task that we can complete by doing what task ask for, that could as simple as playing a normal match or using a weapon to do damage or playing with a character required, and these are not just task but these are simple progression that giving us something as simple as useless item  or something important if u keep doing daily task and that's not all there are many other task that we can do, which always give something back and it doesn't cost anything,,
Now talk about battle prime, this game is just garbage when it comes to anything free, we can only upgrade weapons if we are using the same weapon on every match and same goes to characters which is the lamest thing in this game, these characters or whatever they are called are just so boring and stream line military that non of them have any characteristic or dialogue, in this game there is daily task also but just he's me out,,
So daily task in this game  give you a item that  must be used in limited time and that Item makes you purchase of any item with basically real money with a discount, so if u want to use ur daily item first pay real money to buy the premium game money and then when u r buying an item  with that premium money you will pay less thanks to that daily task item,,,
Wtf is this shit!!! This system is just an insult to people who dont want to pay for this garbage game content, There's is also events that was going on through out my play time and it still must be going and I was top player on that event because I have been playing this game all day for this review, but I didn't realize that this game everything is about forcing player to pay money, so basically when I finish the event 1st place the events will reset after some hours and I have to play again and reach the top again so no other play can top me, and this process will be going for full 2 days,, WTF
this game developers are so braindead that they are putting the android stupid strategy games mechanic in this shooter game,
For example: you login into those kind of games and do small task like upgrading ur tower and collecting resources and then log out, this lame system is already just a scamming way for people to pay money so if they dont have time or they have a real life that's they cannot be online 24 hours will pay money so they wont miss out things,,,
But in fps game this wont even work, because its a compatitive game that required focus and always trying to get best score required you to play on a silence place, and do that all day after every 2 hourse to get stupid skins for the gun u r never going to use 😑,
And thats not all, no there is more shit happening in this game and that also requires money to be fix, so just like this lame 2 hours event there is limited amount of recourse that u will get in one day for playing, like if you want to get more recourse u obviously play more match, but not in this game, there is a limit that u can earn in a day and when u reached that limit the extra resources you earn will be added to the pigy bank and yes that pigy bank resources only gain by paying the Real fucking money 😑, so it's like unlocking ur free resources from that pity bank wants u to pay real money how pathetic is that,,,
I hate gaming Frenchies that force money on players, because mostly people using cell phone not living in big country, they cant pay anything, and this kind of things make me sick because of it many gamers can enjoy games that usual are pretty good, this game could have been amazing if the focuses was not to force to pay but force to make the game playable with balanced map and family friend manu, and yes the game map are horrible but I dont think its worth talking because this game just failed on my review list because of have monetization of pay to pay part,, and please don't play it, I play Apex instead or other games that does not west ur time or ask u pay for wresting ur time,,,
                     +++++ About Me +++++
I'm hardcore gamer who just love gaming like you guys, and I play lots of games on different consoles and also on PC, I love to review games and it's my silly dream to become a full time YouTuber,, so if you like my review or u want me to review or check another game you can recommend me on comment section, please subscribe to my YouTube channel in struggling and trying hard only subscribe mean world to me ❤️, thank you for reading my review Have a bless life and keep on gaming,,
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I feel like this comment board is in a twilight zone or a bad acid trip...what's going on wow lol hahaha
lol, what you talking about 😅
I'm sure object rush b will be out before rainbow six mobile and project rush b and it doesn't even exist lol
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I don't know bro it's been so long that I stop even caring about Rambo six released date
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Mohit Patil
Mohit Patil
in 2020 I am download the game in 85 mb but now it taking more than 1.59 GB😧
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85mb! bro this game has never been that small, I remember playing the early release and it was more then 1GB
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do a review on rainbow six mobile...and what do you think oroject rush b will be like...good review by the way. whats the rate of suckPPRIME 1-10?
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Thank you so much bro! ❤️
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Abbas Kareem
Abbas Kareem
wow , Now I realized my Time that lost for something don't even worth to mention , I had playing this game for one year almost and was playing for fun and kill time but in the end my Hope and my thinking was on how i get this skin or this gun Upgrade or asked my self how this person get this skin or skills gun futures THE MONEY WAS THE KEY OF THIS GAME pay to be the 1st what ever u do or try to be the perfect player someone will pay and get your Ass kick out I will delete this Garbage and don't back to it , Waiting now games that worth install on my screen.
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Lol broooo, I'm sorry to hear that but yes u can unlock anything that you Really want to unlock unless you pay lots of money, I'm glad I put u out of this game honestly 😂 Try playing Lost light bro its pretty solid game I'm playing it just some days and it's a deep game with lots of unique features
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I'm sorry dude, but if it took you a day or two of playing to understand a menu section in THIS game then idk if you're anywhere near enough of a gamer yo write reviews on them.
keep ur sorry to ur self, and my gaming life is so long u might didn't use android mobile that much hour that I play games, and let me give u and example of why I say that, I said that It took me day to understand the menu because i said it as an example, maybe ur not so smart to understand my reviews 😉
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🤩🤩🤩😍 judge of v and friends and I am free on Thursday November to and from there and family 🎉🎉😍
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Lol what 😅
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project rush b lol wtf lmfao my fault
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