Black Border review

Have y’all ever heard of a game called Papers, Please? For those who don’t know, you play border patrol at a checkpoint in a fictional country set in the year 1982. The game starts out simple and gets harder with every day passing. To mention that you live in apartment with four other family members trying to keep them alive from starving, getting cold, or sick. there are also sometimes random events that happen like somebody attacking the border. This game is on the App Store but it does cost money. Fortunately this is an alternative to if you do not want to spend money.
  Black border is very similar to Papers, please. The pixelated look, The game mechanics, the events that happen while playing. It all adds up to a good game if he can’t get Papers, Please. And like before I shall be talking about the three things included in every game. Gameplay, graphics and music, and finally, LiveOps.
For gameplay, it’s very simple and easy to remember. All you do is read the passport for any discrepancies, then accept or deny depending what is on the passport. There will also be identity supplements as the days go on.
One os the most important things on this supplement will be weight. If they weight a little more than what’s on the paper, use the mic to ask them about it. They would either say their clothes are heavy or, like your mom, they have gotten fat. You would have to scan them and ask if there is anything in their pockets. They would deny it and may even try to bribe you. They would always have a weapon on their body and that’s when you arrest them. A guard walk in, the The person with the weapon will be taking to jail,  The next person will come in to the checkpoint.
After the day ends, you head back to your apartment where the screen will take you to show the amount of work you done in the time you’re at the checkpoint. It will show your gross pay before it gets deducted by rent and depending on if you get fined after denying or excepting when you weren’t supposed to. This is very important as you have four family members that live with you.
For graphics, they are less pixelated and more drawn-out. I think it’s good, so I can see their passport picture. The music also sets the mood. Some deep tone sounds as I’m looking over the money I made from the day to feed my family.
Finally, LiveOps. Like before, nothing to really talk about. It my be because the game is pretty old. That’s why there are no events to be seen.
Black border is your greasiest alternative to Papers, Please. A good game about border patrol that is worth the download. You might get bored of it thought and delete. Not only that, it is also a offline game. Thanks for taking the time to read this review. See ya
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