it's so so sad that this game is being discontinued. I just started playing yesterday only to find out today that it will no longer be in service on January 11th of next year, what a disgusting way to kick off a brand new year by getting rid of such a fantastic FF mobile game and i only say this because Square Enix such is a wonderful corporation/development company that creates the best fantasy games and yet still all the wonderful most creative mobile fantasy games they make keep on getting shut down for reasons i can't even fathom ''Mobius ff, Star ocean anemesis ect'' and now The First Soldier. This is getting ridiculous but i won't give up on Square Enix because to me and many other fans out there they are the best at what they do and I KNOW they will bounce back from this disgrace.
Mentioned games
The game was terrible. Was a complete failure. They only had one map and no other modes like Team Deathmatch. They barely had anything to get for free like skins for guns or outfits.
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Blu Screen
Blu Screen
Your right it does have its cons which may have outweighed the pros, but as a ff fan its so good to experience one of those series in a battle royal/survival setting, although I would've preferred a moba version instead where they implemented all ff characters from every series not just ff7. Even if a moba ff game had it faults similar to ff the first soldier I'd still love it if I got the chance experience it first hand.
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