Beautiful graphics, easy-to-understand combat, dress-up/aesthetics options galore by a game company that is a master of the genre.
Now, for the not-so-pretty details. There are five classes in Mitra Sphere, and their roles in combat are clearly defined (tank/atk/matk/support/heal).
The issue arises when you try to play their given roles, as skills are tied to weapons in this game, and weapons are more or less gacha-only.
As I play a cleric, I'll tell you how it is from my perspective. Healing is easy, since most cleric maces do this. If you want an weapon capable of casting antidote/detox though, then the options suddenly narrow down to only *two* weapons. Boss nukes your party and wipes out multiples? Weapon with the mass resurrection skill are also rare (only three of them).
At this point you can understand why there's probably a very high "i give up" rate for people who try to get into this game, because even if you do get lucky and wind up with a fistful of SSR weapons, chances are you don't have enough skills/utility to fight properly and fulfill your role in combat.
Missing the "correct" weapons= deficient in skills=get everyone else killed if you're playing Defender (for example).
Defender plays a critical role in defense augment/aggro management. As for the rest of the classes, I may as well mention them too.
Rangers are a support class that shine their brightest in high end raids as they can bring specific counters to enemy nukes that would otherwise instagib a run.
(Alternatively, the cleric has to be the one that uses an absolute evasion skill and then revive the rest of their team. However, you can't expect every cleric to possess a Spiral Gem because it's one specific item out of the hundreds in gacha. Even the single artifact that grants autorevive isn't going to work because most high difficulty boss nukes are multihit.)
Oh right, moving on.
DPS classes (warrior/mage) have the least pressure on them to assemble a proper weapon grid, and are the classes generally favored by whales as their maxed weapon skills&synergy can crank out immense damage.
They do sell weapon packages (pick one weapon out of three in a rotation) and it grants a weapon that is fully level/skill uncapped, but it costs around ~23USD/161RMB, and you need to buy it eight times per class.
Don't bother brute-forcing gacha if you want maxed weapons, unless you're willing to throw over 2000 USD into a single gacha to (maybe) get enough dupes to skill up the featured items it lists.
There are double SSR chance gachas that can also be class specific, but what they don't tell you is they also doubled the SSR pool with artifacts (all-class items, most is junk). Keep in mind that even if you do get enough dupes to fully level uncap a weapon (only need 4 to do so), the skill uncap system runs off a different scale and its more likely than not you won't get enough dupes to reach max skill uncap.
So yeah, for those who wanna stay? Set aside 200 bucks, pick a class, read the wiki, buy your weapon grid outright and enjoy. F2P? the chances of happiness are slim, but good luck regardless.
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