Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Beginners Guide

In this beginners guide we will be giving you some of the best tips to maximize your gameplay for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Whether you’re a total newbie to Call of Duty or a veteran of the series, we should have something for everyone in this guide.So first things first before we jump into a game, we want to optimize a few things.
TIP #1                       
The first tip we have here is to use headphones. I cannot tell you how many times I have been able to clutch a kill simply cause i knew exactly where the enemy was based off their footsteps. This tip might seem incredibly simple but its something many overlook and it can easily improve your gameplay with little effort.
TIP #2           
Now on the subject of audio, tip 2 is to use the correct audio template. If you’re using headphones, make sure you use the headphone template and try out the bass boosted mode to see if its better for your headset. If you insist on not using headphones, make sure to select the appropriate audio template based on what you’re using. This is another simple setting that many ignore that can improve the quality of the audio of your game and help you with your overall in game awareness.
TIP #3           
For the 3rd tip, we have our controller settings. I recommend trying out the default setting set at 4 and see if its too slow or too high for you and then adjust by 1 level accordingly until you find a comfortable level. Next up, if the recoil and aiming seems to difficult to handle, I recommend going to the advanced controls tab, and changing aim response curve from standard to dynamic. This will give you a bit more precise aim control and can make the gunplay feel more smooth.
TIP #4           
There are 6 different perk packages to choose from depending on your playstyle, but you can also make custom ones. Each of these perks does different things and knowing what they do and how to utilize them is vital to maximizing their effectiveness. For example, one of the base perks of the Support package is Battle Hardened which makes the player much less affected by stun grenades, EMPs, and also makes the player immune to snapshot grenades. Knowing what this perks does and its benefits is very important as it should change how you approach the game.
TIP #5           
If you know you’re an aggressive player, then be sure to take weapons that compliment that play style such as SMGs. If you prefer to play a little more safely, then maybe opt for something long range like a sniper or assault rifle. These type of guns will allow you to focus more on heavy hitting shots at the cost of some fire rate. They also offer more medium to long range coverage then most SMGs so youll be able to stay further behind and pick off enemies while the rest of your team pushes forward.
TIP #6           
As you use guns and level them up, you will unlock new attachments that you can apply to your weapon. Trying out new combinations of attachments will drastically change how your guns feels and performs. You can have up to 5 modifications at one time on your weapon once you’ve unlocked the attachments so keep that in mind. Lastly, keep track of the dynamic chart on the lower left corner as it will show your stat changes once you apply attachments.
TIP #7           
Make sure to familiarize yourself with the game modes and how to play them. For example, Team Deathmatch is simple, it’s you and your team versus the enemy team and the first to the achieve the set amount of kills wins. In a mode like Domination however, the goal of the match is to capture the 3 objectives on the map and defend them until your team achieves the set amount of points to win. There are plenty of modes in multiplayer and they all have their own unique ways of playing and objectives so just make sure you adjust your play style accordingly.
TIP #8
If possible, use an ethernet connection. Despite having very fast internet and being right beside my router, I noticed rubberbanding issues as well lag when playing Modern Warfare 2 on wifi. If you cant use ethernet, I recommend moving your PC or console near your router, taking devices off your wifi connection that don’t need to be on, making sure no downloads are going on in the background, and using a 5ghz wifi connection if you have it.
TIP #9
Regardless of what storage device you’re using, you’re going to want to use the fastest option you have available. Storing Modern Warfare 2 on a SSD will give the best results, followed by a internal hard drive, and lastly a micro sd card. Using a slower storage device can result in slower loading times, slower texture loading and more pop in issues, and in some cases it can even result in loss of fps.
TIP #10           
And the last tip we have for you here today is to keep up to date with content about the game.! The reason why is cause most content creators will be making lots of guides on the best settings to use, the best way to reduce lag, the best weapons to use, etc. As the game gets updated and as it continues to evolve you will need to keep adapting with it to stay at the top of your game, and the best way to do this is to keep up to date with videos and guides!
But that’s it for this beginners guide for Modern Warfare 2. Hopefully this guide points you in the right direction and helps you become the best player you can be as we kick off the launch for Modern Warfare 2!
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Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez
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