Okay this is my honest thoughts, this game was kind of a disappointment. Now I did realize that this is a south Korean Mobile MMORPG which meant heavy P2W but that wasn't the issue. First I knew there will be an auto feature similar to revolution but this feature is so buggy. When you auto walk on quests u get stuck way too often and for some reason you have to manually press the auto attack button after your character gets there. Everything feels underwhelming, it's even worse than revolution. The combat feel so slow and the quests feels like a repetitive task. Also it doesn't help that since this game is hella buggy that it will just eat your phone. I don't expect anyone to run this game on good settings unless they have a premium flagship phone or are using the purple emulator provided by NCsoft.
There are just so many features missing from this game that this game becomes boring pretty quickly. I really had high hopes for the next lineage game even though it was on mobile. I expected NCsoft to put more time in polishing this game since this will be their first cross-platform MMO but it still lacks in many major areas. I don't recommend this MMORPG to anyone who actually wants to take a game seriously. All you'll get is a repetitive click and auto game
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Thx 👍
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