“Teamfight Tactics” Class Guide

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In Teamfight Tactics, each champion has at least 1 Class (some are multiple). This trait usually does nothing on their own, but if you gather enough champions of the same Class, you'll activate a special bonus. To create a stronger team, you'll need to buy and upgrade champions that synergize well together and activate as many Class bonuses as possible.
▲ Champion sheet in each Class
Here are the bonuses for all Class in Teamfight Tactics:
Alchemists ignore collision and never stop moving.
Champions: Singed
At the start of combat, Assassins stealth and become invulnerable for a short duration and leap to the farthest enemy.
Assassins gain bonus critical strike damage and bonus critical strike chance:
• 3 Assassins: +70% crit damage and +10% crit chance
• 6 Assassins: +210% crit damage and +20% crit chance
Champions: Nocturne, LeBlanc, Kha'Zix, Diana
Avatar champions change between 1 of 10 elements, and their element is counted twice for trait bonuses.
Champions: Lux
At the start of combat, Berserkers leap to the nearest enemy.
When Berserkers attack, they have a chance to hit all units in a cone in front of them and apply on-hit effects.
• 3 Berserkers: 45% chance
• 6 Berserkers: 100% chance and all Berserkers gain 25 bonus attack damage
Champions: Renekton, Olaf, Jax, Dr.Mundo, Volibear, Sion
Blademasters' basic attack have 35% chance to trigger additional attacks against their target. These additional attacks deal damage like basic attacks, trigger on-hit and on-attack effects while also generating mana.
• 2 Blademasters: 1 additional attack
• 4 Blademasters: 2 additional attacks
• 6 Blademasters: 3 additional attacks
Champions: Yasuo, Sivir, Master Yi, Aatrox
While at least 2 Druids are in play, they regenerate 45 health each second.
Champions: Neeko, Maokai, Ivern
Mages have a chance on cast to instead Doublecast.
• 3 Mages: 50% chance
• 6 Mages: 100% chance & 20 AP to all Mages
Champions: [b]Taliyah, Syndra, LeBlanc, Brand, Vladimir, Veigar
[/b]All allies gain increased Magic Resist.
• 2 Mystics: 40 Magic Resist
• 4 Mystics: 120 Magic Resist
Champions: Nami, Master Yi, Karma, Janna, Soraka
While at least 3 Predators are in play, they will instantly kill enemies they damage who are below 25% health.
Champions: Warwick, Skarner, Rei'Sai, Kog'Maw
Every 3 seconds, Rangers have a chance to double their attack speed for 3 seconds.
• 2 Rangers: 35% chance
• 4 Rangers: 80% chance
• 6 Rangers: 100% chance
Champions: Twitch, Kindred, Ezreal, Ashe, Vayne, Varus
While at least 2 Soulbound units are in play, the first Soulbound unit to die in a round will instead enter the Spirit Realm, becoming untargetable and continuing to fight as long as another Soulbound unit is alive.
Champions: [b]Senna, Lucian
Summoned units have increased health and duration.
• 3 Summoners: 30% increase
• 6 Summoners: 120% increase
Champions: Yorick, Malzahar, Azir, Annie, Zyra, Zed
Wardens gain increased total Armor.
• 2 Wardens: +150% Armor
• 4 Wardens: +300% Armor
• 6 Wardens: +999% Armor
Champions: Malphite, Leona, Braum, Amumu, Taric, Ornn, Nautilus, Nasus, Thresh
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