Arena Breakout is a REALISTIC FIRST PERSON SHOOTER that will keep you ON YOUR TOES!

Arena Breakout is a SUPER INTENSE FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, that truly reeled me in from the get go! Honestly, this game was SO MUCH FUN!!
I had the pleasure of partaking in the early access creator closed beta of Arena Breakout over the weekend and I must say that this game is something special. I went in pretty blindly, I wasn't sure what to expect, My only expectations was that this was maybe another Battle Royale game, but oh man was I wrong. This game isn't a battle royale but something else entirely. And I enjoyed every moment of it.
Gameplay wise. Arena Breakout is a free to play immersive tactical first person shooter game where you can play as either the tactical force members or infiltrate as a rogue where the enemy NPC's won't attack you unless you attack first with exceptions to boss characters. With the tactical force members you have to enter the dark zone and complete your tasks given to you by your various contacts, while taking down other players and enemy NPC's.
Unlike Battle Royale games where you go in with no weapons and you must pick up any weapons you see on the map, in Arena Breakout you must organise your set up before you embark on missions. You must equip yourself with armor, weapons, and supplies in order to complete your mission. You can even unlock the ability to customise your weapons when you level up a bit. So you can make some pretty powerful equipment in the future.
However this makes the stakes super high. Because if you die in the dark zone with all your enhanced equipment and die there, You will lose everything. So all that time and effort you put into getting and enhancing the best gear will now go to the person who finds your body and loots you. Which can be pretty infuriating. But I love it because it gives entering the dark zone a true feeling of losing value. Combined with the realistic damage system which requires you to use pain killers, bandages or field surgical kits that you can bring with you or find on the field, a very challenging experience.
Arena Breakout isn't just a kill everyone type of game, you must focus on your tasks, complete your tasks and take out all opposition on the way, and then extract yourself from the dark zone within the time limit. It sounds pretty straight forward, but sometimes, things get pretty hectic and the allocated time can fly by pretty fast. The great part is you can play the game the way you want to, in order to complete your objectives. Stealth, or guns blazing, it's up to you. Also, there is no aiming crosshair on the screen, and no ammo counter either. You have to manually check your magazine to see how much ammo is left, and if you want to refill your ammo, you have to refill the bullets into the magazine. Currently there are 5 maps available to play, and they are all unlocked at various levels. The first 3 are unlocked pretty early on, while the last two are unlocked at level 99.
Graphics wise this game looks really good, especially for a mobile game. And it looks equally as good on emulator too. The characters look detailed and all your armor and accessories show up on your character too. My only complaint is that the characters are all male, there's no female avatar to choose whatsoever when you create your character at the beginning of the game. Kind of disappointing but it doesn't affect the game itself. But if you prefer to play as a female avatar, you are out of luck in this game.
Overall I'd say that Arena Breakout is a super addictive and fun upcoming game to mobile devices. The realistic damage system, and the high risk of dying and losing all your high quality items can be frustrating but addictive too. And it will leave you wanting more every time you complete your mission. I honestly think this game will be a big hit when it comes out. I know I'll be recommending it to everyone who loves first person shooters on mobile. I cannot wait for this to come out. Pre-Register it now if you are also interested in the game!
Mentioned games
how can I join the test I want to I have both iOS and android
As for now, you can't. If you don't got a Chinese WeChat account. The servers have shut down (22nd Dec) but i can give you the file/share gameplay if you want to see how the game truly is
Guys, who will help with registration of WeChat?
Will this run smoothly in huawei y7p?? Just curious
ณัฐพงษ์ ท้าวอนนท์
ณัฐพงษ์ ท้าวอนนท์
Good That's Not TPS 💁
Airon Leve Madulara
Airon Leve Madulara
the footstep is not accurate.
yeh that's all good if could get into play the fucking game arrhhh how to play I won't to play this game FFS how is it possible
how can I join the test I want to I have both iOS and android
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