Time to go take down some Gods - God of War Ragnarok

We are back and continuing the journey once again with Kratos and Arteries and are left with a mystery of why is he called Loki?, what happened with all the Giants, and who is Odin behind all of this.
Today we are looking at " God of War: Ragnorok "
Are you ready to take down some North Mythology Gods with an Axe swing at a time?
The freezing winds of Fimbulwinter have come to Midgard, making survival for Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir in the Norse wilds even more challenging than before. Kratos, still bearing the knowledge of his past mistakes, wants to spare Atreus the bloody lessons he learned from his conflict with the gods. He wants to keep his son safe, above all, and their confrontation with Baldur has vindicated the belief that only tragedy will come from further entanglements with the Aesir. Together, Kratos and Atreus will have to choose which path they will take. Whatever they choose will define the fate of all those living in the Nine Realms as Ragnarok approaches.
My experience:
We have been through a long journey with Kratos, from the beginning of becoming the God of War and taking down all the Gods, Fighting Zeus, Various weapons, and most brutal fights.
We make it to the possible end of Kartos's Journey
seeing him want to have a peaceful life, and settle down with very little conflict but once again he must take his blades and Axe to now deal with Odin.
I have loved every second of going on the journey with Kratos and just from the start of this game it just settled into where they continued from and with his son changing older but abit more reckless
Suddenly seeing Thor and Odin you already know trouble is brewing for Kratos once more
Pros and Cons
Amazing Visuals/Level Design
Great Design for characters and Enemies
Possible Completelying the story of Kratos
New Weapons
Seeing more and new ways of Kratos just beating Gods and Enemies you couldn't even Imagine
Some Glitches here and there
There are times fighting groups upon groups of enemies can be somewhat frustrating
This game is very enjoyable seeing Kratos just destroying any enemy that comes across his path, Artierus finding more about himself and gaining new abilities.
I defiantly recommend this game to anyone that loves the series
God of War Regnorok gets a rating of Worth the buy 9/10!
Mentioned games
will this game ever come to moblies
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