More In-dept look: Spider-Man: Miles Morales

A more in-depth review of Spider-man Miles Morales is finally on PC/Steam!
There are alot of things I can say how much I love about this game besides the amazing work Insomniac games has done to bring the vast world of Spiderman traveling throughout New York.
You see throughout the history of Spiderman games we didn't have an open-world Spiderman game until Spiderman Game of 2002 for the PS2 ( wow that was a long while back ) and even that game felt slightly linear gameplay for Spider-man speeding up until today see the future of Spiderman games allowing you to venture all over New York!
The release of Marvel's Spider-Man for the PS4 was released in 2018 and that was a Major hit for most Marvel fans those fans of Spider-man get an amazing game with 3 DLC to expand the missions and what to do in the game.
Insomniac delivers another game to the series of Spider-man games with " Spider-man: Miles Morales" one of the strongest Spidermen in the Spiderverse
The same time "Marvel's Spider-Man released movie " Enter the Spiderverse " was released the same year December 14th, 2018.
After seeing the trailer and gameplay of "Spider-man Miles Morales" I was beyond excited about how this would turn out and I was not disappointed to see how much detail they put into Miles Story along with Adding the Spider Verse Costume into the game along with the animations to go with it.
Experience Miles grow from someone who thought he had to be just like Spider-man into becoming his Spider-man in his way. Constantly getting into situations and hearing the phrase that Peter Parker lives by every day as Spider-man from his Uncle Ben " With great power comes great responsibility "
This has been one of my favorite games on PS4/PS5 feeling the motions of each swing on the controller, and seeing the acrobatics of Miles dancing around his enemies and webbing them up.
So what I am thinking about for the future things I wish to see in Miles Morales is if they are planning any more DLC with the game maybe they could reach into several areas within the bad guy's miles has faced such as:
Serpent Society
Omega Red
Green Goblin
The only reason why I haven't mentioned Venom in this is that we already see a trailer for Viles to meet Venom for the first time. I was hoping they would expand on his game just as they did for "Marvels Spider-Man " with 3 DLC but we will have to see
The reason I chose those three is that it seems every spider has to run into a green goblin or Venom. So try something different with the Serpent Society which could bring over a couple of new characters into the game.
Now let us take a look at the Overall Design and Detail they put into the game
Even at Medium Settings, there is still alot of amazing detail that can be viewed. Even though this couldn't be put on the highest settings it's still running at a decent pace, even with the entire view of the Entire city of New York.
There have been some complaints about the game that it has crashed or some bugs here but honestly, I think those can be fixed with patches, though I do notice some lag from time to time.
Nothing ruined the experience with the entire game for me and glad to see this on PC! Hopefully, Sony will continue to import more games to PC!
Thank you for watching this video and I will see you next time!
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Brad Stash
Brad Stash
I want to join
Christian Taylor
Christian Taylor
I like this spider man game I want to buy it from playstation 5
eieoeioeTeodora Stoqnova
eieoeioeTeodora Stoqnova
With Great Power Come Great "Constipation" (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
Abhi Chettri
Abhi Chettri
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