Anime with random elements

I'm surprised by the quality of the product, which, trying to sit on several chairs, created a unique gameplay, an interesting internal system and a vibe that you feel when you get to know each other better. It can be seen that they worked on the game and contributed their forces with ideas to this process. Though initially it seems that this is some kind of surreal, since you are immediately thrown into battle, where a hash and a million of everything on the screen is chaotic, but if you endure the first missions, then after that everything will become calm.
What's good in the game:
— Simply amazing anime skill inserts, the quality of which is even higher than some fragments from real anime, which is not only worthy of respect, but in general you want to ask who the artist is by shaking his hand (on the preview, just a freeze frame of the intro of one of the skills, so that you understand how cool everything is);
— Music, sound and visual effects are done with awe, immersing you more and more in the atmosphere (I especially want to say thanks for the sound of the rain, this is an orgasm for my ears);
— The characters feel unique in dialogue, alive, written;
— Good style and drawing;
— Еsthetically pleasing chapter selection window that reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII;
— The initial animated intro is great, it's like I'm watching an anime opening (the intro itself reminded me of the intro from Persona 3);
— Random makes the game more interesting at times, and this is the first gacha-style random game that exists – do not be afraid to go for something new, for which also respect.
Negative aspects of the game:
— There is no voice acting, which is depressing, because the test is insanely large and in the first minutes it falls on you like an avalanche (but I want to say that the developers tried to make it interesting by changing the font and tricks with decryption, which I noticed – thanks for that);
— There are sexualized characters and typical anime girls of about thirteen, which is puzzling, as if they see me as a hidden pedophile and connoisseur of breasts from a skyscraper (but also interesting in design, which are made wisely and attractively, that's why I say that they sit on two chairs, giving everyone what they need);
— There is too much information in the first section of the game, which makes you want to quit, because everything looks like you are put in a tank when you are a cat;
— Too little chance for characters to drop, I only got one 3★ out of thirty calls;
— Skill design and character profile are completely copied from Arknights;
— The screen and the battlefield are sometimes overloaded, making it difficult to understand what is happening.
The product definitely deserves attention, and if you master the introduction, then get used to it and fall in love in your own way. Can't say the game is perfect, but better than average. Here you can relax, skip the plot because of tons of text, enjoy really interesting mechanics and collect your favorites.
I'll throw off the intro and various examples of everything below.
And yes, I now want this maid (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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Niz 31
Niz 31
you know what I love Vee ult animation, wish it could be longer
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Ellie Kin
Ellie Kin
It would be great if the developers would let the animations be viewed in a separate menu, somewhere in the character view
Guy RD
Guy RD
god i love this game. way way better than that trash Nikke
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Araneus Kyüro
Araneus Kyüro
Thanks for the review! It helps people like me who haven't played yet decide whether to play. Appreciate it
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Theme anime always interesting mwehehehe
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