Decent. Not great

THE AI in this game is one of my main problems. There is too much rubber banding with the AI. You can be in the lead and some how the AI will catch back up to you and always be on your tail. If you make one mistake, it takes forever to recover. If the AI crashes they recover way too quickly and at speed too. The AI are basically brick walls as well. You can barely move there cars if at all when you run into them on accident or on purpose but when they run into you, your car is like paper to them and you flip and go flying off the road. That’s UNFAIR.
THE PRICES ARE TOO HIGH. I understand it’s a free game and you need to make money but pleaseee do something about the prices. Things are way too expensive for the amount of money you earn in game. Redoing a simple paint job should not cost so much money. For new comers, don’t paint your car first and decide to buy a body kit after brocade doing so WILL ERASE YOUR PAINT that you just bought and you will have to repaint all the parts the body kit added. Each part of the car costs a price to paint and that’s totally UNNECESSARY. Lower the cost to purchase things or raise the amount of money we get from races, combos etc.
BAD OPTIMIZATION. The game should run way better on higher end devices. There is no reason why an iPhone 14 should be lagging that bad and over heating. I understand for older devices like my iPhone X but new devices as well is just bad optimization. The game crashes alot for other people, especially on iPad. So far it crashed for me 2 twice. UNACCEPTABLE to launch a game in this state.
These are all things that can be fixed in a single update, listen to your customers and do so. Only after those changes are made, I will make this review a 5 star review. Otherwise 3 stars or below will have to suffice for now.
Mentioned games
what I don't understand is why other game developers maybe even from actual console games haven't jumped in and been like , " hey, run this here, slam this code here, clear that server, erase those horrible points of negative feedback , and boom. and then be like but you guys are heading in the right direction don't give up CarX!"
I covered a lot of your points on my video, they have really not done this game justice, forget the expensive IAP or the over powered AI or the awful event set up, it’s the performance, this game should be beautiful looking running at 60-90fps on the latest flagship mobiles, but it’s not, it looks awful and running at maybe 50fps while driving around, while in a race it’s running at 30fps drops to 25fps at times
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