BraveNine Story - A Short Game Review

BraveNine Story is a visual novel RPG with a great storyline and relentless turn based combat system. I really loved the waifus in this game. There are lots of waifus and other various characters (mercenaries) to collect in this game. You can get mostly of those amazing characters from the summon system and by signing a contract with them. Tactical formation and mercenary placement is the key to victory in the combat system. Recruit mercenaries of different roles in this game to dominate your opponent with various possible tactics and attack styles.
This game has claimed to have a great novel type storyline. With lots of thrilling twists and turns and spin-off episodes and heart-fluttering love story plots, this game surely has a lot to look forward to while enjoying the RPG combat system to progress forward. Each character comes with their own background story and you can check out their secrets hidden inside the pages. The character artwork is definitely awesome in this game. There are a lots of unique and cool looking waifus to collect in this game. All you need to do is summon and form contract with the mercenaries.
Overall, this RPG game is pretty cool game with great storyline and awesome characters to collect. With the turn based combat system, you can strategize your attacks and battle formation in lots of various way to get around the opponent’s formation and destroy them. Even though the game has 3D features, its more like a 2D game in my opinion. The graphics could be improved for better gameplay experience. The characters surely lack their unique voice overs. There are definitely a lots of contents in the game to enjoy and most of them are quite rewarding! Try this game out!
- Amazing storyline with plots and twists and spin-offs
- Turn based combat system RPG game
- No lags or crashes
- Lots of waifus to collect
- Lots of in-game contents
- Graphics could be much better
- Lacks character voice overs   
- Not that unique compared to other bravenine game series.
- Battle system seems pretty basic and is mainly focused on team formation.
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