BraveNine Story - Worth Playing?

The visual novel role-playing game BraveNine Story has a compelling plot and a tough turn-based fighting system. The waifus in this game were awesome. The game boast about its novel-like story with RPG gameplay integration. You can enjoy the story of various mercenaries in this game while progressing through the main storyline with those characters. We have got a lots of waifu characters as well in this game and they look really cool and hot! Through summon and contract, you will be able to hire mercenary waifus and husbandos in your team. The combat system heavily relies on the team formation. With good formation and good mercenaries, only then will you be able to dominate the game.
Although the game has 3D elements, I think it plays more like a 2D game. The character artwork is surely awesome in this game but when its battle time, the chibi (mini) characters in the battlefield seems to lose most of their quality artworks. The battle system seems to be quite basic and plain as well. Very few limited options are available to input tactical commands in the battle mode. Thus we can’t seem to enjoy a well-polished and interactive battle system in the game. Plus, there seem to be no visually stunning special skill animations.
In conclusion, this game heavily focuses on the storyline mode while the battle system seems to serve as the way to progress through the story contents. The battle tactics are severely limited and I think this game does lack a lot of other game modes. In order to collect waifus and desired characters, you need to summon and form contract with the mercenaries. I was expecting more of a 3D type gameplay experience in this game but in general, its quite 2D in most of its aspects. Definitely the character voiceovers are totally absent in this game. I believe that this game needs more polishing and refining and more contents. Anyways, try this game out to see how much this game clicks with you. Honestly for me this game seems to be just a fan service for mainstream Brave Nine game.   
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there's a bug in the chapter 1 where you have to face boss with default strategy but require precise attack order and placement and make new players who didn't familiar in this game is stuck and can't progress further. i call this bug since I'm assuming they we're not intentionally put that kind of difficulty on early progressing
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