Wind Wings: Space Shooter. Gala is a FANTASTIC BULLET HELL Game, WORTH the Premium.

Wind Wings: Space shooter, Gala is the premium version of Wind Wings: Space shooter and wow is it so worth the money. The premium version provides you with so many extra features and the best one of all is the unlimited energy to play the game. So you can just non stop playing as much as you want.
Gameplay wise this is a bullet hell type of game where you control two types of space ships as you try to fight as many aliens as you can. There is also plenty of upgrades you can do to your space ships, though they can't be upgraded to the max right off the bat. They will take time naturally. Another fun feature that gets unlocked is the challenge mode. This mode can be as hard as you want it to be, with the ability to give yourself plenty of handicaps like no revivals, and your drone may only use one skill and that your enemies gain more health and strength to name a few.
There is also an Arena mode, which at first I thought would be a PVP style game, but actually it's not. It's basically the same as the normal game mode, except that it never ends. You just keep playing until you have either had enough or you die, and then your high score gets ranked with other players in that tier.
Visually this game is great too. I wouldn't say that the graphics are cutting edge, but they suit the aesthetic of the game. The ships are bright and colourful and the effects are colourful too. The environments are just enough to be somewhat different. It's definitely a good looking game for this type of game.
Overall I'd say that Wind WingsL Space Shooter, Gala is a great example of a premium game and what you should expect when you pay for a game that is also available for free. I really enjoyed my time in this game and I hope you consider going for the premium option too. I truly think its worth the money. It's also not that expensive either.
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