Amazing NEW MOBA Game You MUST Try!

Predecessor brings you intense action along with RPG elements. I absolutely love all of the options you have when it comes to building out your characters while in battle. The game is very addicting, and I just wanted to continue to play and master all the different heroes. This is one of those games where you completely lose track of time because you are so immersed in the action. I guarantee you will find a hero that you'll love to play. Whether you like to play as a tank or a support or DPS, every hero delivers an authentic feeling.
The team fights are epic and fun. The gameplay is challenging but easy to play. Anyone can pick it up and play, but it will take lots of practice to master. The game is currently in early access and only has regular 5v5 matches against other live players. I can't wait for ranked game modes where I can really test out my skills. If you're looking for a new exciting MOBA to try I suggest checking out Predecessor. You defiantly won't be disappointed. Its currently only available on PC, but you can still play with a controller. I personally prefer controller over keyboard and mouse for certain games and this was one of them.
Mentioned games
this is not new been out for years now
when and where van I try and play beta
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