The game dies

I waited two years for the game. And as a result, the game dies for 2 months of its existence.
I'll detail why and how. But let's start in order.
Pros of games:
1.Gameplay - here it is presented interestingly and dynamically, and the fights with bosses are quite beautiful. Also for those who do not want to waste time, there is an auto fight. In daily tasks there is an opportunity to skip battles, which is also very convenient.
2.The music here is very beautiful, it's been a long time since I added music from the game to my playoffs. It's linear and fits well into the gameplay.
3.Plot - yes, that's not the most important thing. But the plot is spelled out pretty well. And each character is also perfectly written
Controversial points:
1.Character design - without conditionally all the characters are made very beautifully. But there is a problem with censorship. Especially now, when after the words of the developers that there will be no censorship, it is very offensive to see just this censorship. Well, it seems that the game has a rating of 12+ but honestly, this is complete nonsense. If this game has a rating of 12+ then Azur Lane (which has a rating of 16+) should be a game for preschoolers. The developments themselves cut off the main feature and dignity of the game.
2.Progoessia - it is very controversial, because the game has idle elements, because of which you will often have to stop at some stages. It's the same problem with events. To get at least 50 percent of the stuff, you need to be very pumped. But
Cons of the game:
There are a lot of them but I will not describe in detail every minus, I do not see the point. I will explain the general situation. The game was developed by Shift up, the developers created Destiny child. Who knows about the game well done, and if not then I advise you to play. And here is the problem, I knew what kind of studio this was and waited for the game. But the problem is that it doesn't look like Nikke was doing Shift up. I will compare it with destiny child.
The first is just visual and censorship. Destiny has it, but there is a global uncensored one. Nikke has only one version and a lot of censorship in it.
The second, controversial point, but still. It's not the certainty of the game. Destiny is a complete ftp friendly. But with Nikke, everything is complicated because there are a lot of packs and other things. You can play without throwing money, but it will be long, and most likely you will dislike the game.
And it seemed that the developers were to blame for everything. But in my opinion, the publisher should be blamed for everything. Let me explain, at first the game was supposed to be published by the developers themselves, as with destiny child. But in the end, closer to the release, the publisher became level infinite. And level infinite, these are subsidiaries of tencent . I think everyone knows how pitiful tencent is for the money. And as a result, from the publisher and you get censorship and donation. Maybe it's not but I can't believe that shift up is so screwed up. I am afraid that the game will repeat the fate of Tower of fantasy which also took off beautifully as a Phoenix, and in the end turned out to be an ordinary vulture. Hopefully shift up come up with something and we'll get what we've seen before. In the meantime, I feel very sorry for this very beautiful but so far drowning game because of a greedy publisher.
Sorry for the mistakes, and so on I don't know English very well. I hope my review was useful for you. And thank you for spending your time on it.
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