My overall review of Roblox, over the years of playing the game.

This game has a lot of positives, but has some negatives I noticed, which i have to war players since my previous account has been hacked by a link. Do not trust external and even internal links, I dont know how I can stress this problem enough, 9times out of ten, its most likely a scammer or a hacker trying to get into  your account, please be very careful what ever you do.   2. You have  the problem where you play a game and if its a really old game and with no one playing. The experience isn't available I feel like if it hasn't been available for more than  half a year it should be auto deleted or at least set to private until the next update. Just so we can play ones that are available instead ones that isn't.  Other than these two major problems.
I now can talk about the major positives of the game, which really keeps me in the game. 1. I can talk to my family, cousins, and even my friends that play on here which is very positive. 2: I love how there are so many games to chose from instead of one type of game. 3. I like how I can make my own character from mix and match parts which is super useful since there is millions of clothes and apparel stuff to chose from
4. I really like how I can make my own games, use emotes and even make animation series, as well. These are just a few positives about the game, i played for a long time even though I made about ten accounts mainly because I cant remember my password for most of them. xD
Like I said many positives and some negatives but it is still improving and growing cant wait to see what happens next.
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