Tokki is a fantastic game that shows that a game can still be a challenging without it being annoying. I don’t think I ever got annoyed while playing Tokki. Instead this game made me laugh and push myself to keep going and honestly I felt like I lost track of the time while playing it.
Gameplay wise this game is pretty simple. Press A to jump, long press A to jump higher, B will make you dash and double tapping A will make you double jump. Y will show you the direction of where gems are and X is a rewind feature that I never figured out how to use properly. The game itself is a platformer that is really, really challenging. Like totally unforgiving. When you die, you will also start back at the beginning of that level, with the red marker of your character taunting you where you last died. The aim of the game is simple too, collect the total amount of gems before moving on. And do so without dying if possible. Though I think there are some parts that do require you to die a couple times to retrace your steps and go different ways. And that's the game in a nutshell. Its such simple game but oh my goodness is it gonna push you to your limits.
Visually this game is also very simple. It reminds me of those old gameboy platformer games before they added colour to the handheld. It was very nostalgic, but it also looked very high definition while also looking retro. Very nice job, I really liked the look of the game.
Overall I'd say that Tokki is a fantastic game full of challenging experiences and super fun gameplay. I'm sure that you will enjoy your time in this game while playing it. This game is a premium game on the mobile stores, but it's very affordable. I highly recommend you give it a shot.
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