Please release this as a Christmas Gift!

OK so, 4 stars because I don't have access to it BUT I've been playing the Chinese version (the og one basically) and let me tell you, besides the difficulty in dragging the list of commands down, this game is so well made, the UI so intuitive that someone can click anything, it will be in Chinese but both the minimap and the top of your screen will say what they plan to do, who they plan to attack, etc etc.
Besides the unbalanced comps here and there (2 assasins for example) which can hinder your team a's still winnable, a match isn't lost because you are lacking a support.
This might be more of a community thing but in casual play (I don't dare rank yet), unless they have these amazing bots that choose champions before you and can give commands which...I don't think so...
Anyways I think people are either also not from China or they don't give a damn if you display a clearly European name, they will listen and play around you, with you, carry you-
There's even a "I'm sorry" kind of Burton for when you perish and with one tap you can answer something like "It's fine"... and that's happens a lot! Although I believe bots can easily do that one but I doubt my supports or assasins were bots...just saying. Or mages.
It's scary for being in a totally different language that you need a screen translator to get a few stuff but less scary than MLBB let me tell ya.
In MLBB which is kinda fun sometimes and other times everyone decides to go Gold Lane (top) and you are left wondering what to do against a balanced comp or a comp that basically is only lacking a roamer (support). Even if you use meta champions.
Did I mention that there isn't an emblem system or something like that that I have noticed? There isn't, you do need to unlock a few abilities I believe but besides that, go ham!
The abilities (like smite or inspiration, healing etc) are also well defined visually. The smite looks weird cuz it's like a beaming ray and after playing Extraordinary Ones that could mean a number of things but everything in the UI is crystal clear. Even some of your hero abilities, you look...yes them once or thrice and you know what to do on a basic level. Given MLBB is also not that complicated visually...usually. If in doubt read the text under I guess.
Don't know which champion is a mage or assasin? That's OK they have clear symbols for mage, support, I don't get lost in the comp unlike in Heroes Evolved where they make it more...complicated.
Do you want an amazing highlight but don't have the time to edit?? No problem, click the camera icon or a film role icon, I dunno the difference between the two and if a yellow prompt appears, click that too! They'll make a "genius edit" as it translates to. You can find them nit exactly on your match summary tab, only the highlights you got but right on the upper right corner of the main screen, with the arrow icon that's circled. Then there's a few more options inside including pro play rematch but eventually you'll find your tab with ALL the highlights you saved and depending on your performance there can be up to 3 SPECIALLY EDITED ones.
You can save them to your device (it took me a while to find out how I had to download chinese YouTube before I found the phone saving option) and make a short out of them but be weary, you will get a copyright notice due to music used (you can still upload no problem, it's just a notice that says you can still share it).
Also besides the replay function if you gi to the match data and click the second button or something, it will show you a visual summary of the match. The map, Heroes, a graph of what I assume is gold graph, you can accelerate it if you want and you'll see where you failed. Or where you were a total team saver who knows! It's like a blueprint.
The game is surprisingly light, with AoV and MLBB you have the option the download more resources, with HoK you have a Wild Rift situation where you need to update everything basically but it won't occupy more space than the initial download and update after it finishes doing it. You do need at least 3gb of free space for it do deem your phone well enough to handle whatever they are doing, just keep that in mind.
It's faster than a match in WR (in casuals), most of the time you won't be taking the dragon or anything you are just chasing players and saving mid from a random ARAM twice. About 16 minutes.
The map feels unique (then again aov's does too) it's like playing Onmyoji almost, you suddenly wonder how they added so much in such a small area (Onmyoji still looks the best out of all I listed tbh except for maybe Extraordinary Ones).
What else can I say? Heroes feel unique. You can play as a robot with a machine gun, a demigod that can stun you with a flaming bird (like Ashe's Ult actually) or in a circle area of your choosing.
There is a champion much like Aurora (mlbb) and also what I call her counterpart cuz she uses fire, can slow you down with her Ult.
There's this crazy complicated assasin that got needed a lot and is still playable and those who play the Puppeteer...kudos to you let's never meet plz.
A guy riding a whale that is a tank support and trust me he can get really tanks late game, whenever I'm not the one playing as him, I usually run if I'm in a bad position cuz he will end me! He doesn't need a marksman to finish the job, if he wants and you are that squishy, bye.
Do you love Lee Sin? GREAT, he is there too, kinda. Do you like...demonic looking tanky warriors for your jungle? That's great too, they have one! (His voice can become a little annoying).
Besides the possibility international communities will leave a bad taste in my mouth, this game is just perfection for the small scale it was applied to (while WR is perfection but on a slightly bigger scale and with scale I mean map of course).
Also...unlike Onmyoji that is published by Netease so if course there's lag...
NO LAG. You go to this kind of international server that is FULL and there is little to no lag!
Just free it from closed veta already!!!
Mentioned games
to download the Chinese version search for Honor of Kings apk or go directly to apkpure and they have the Chinese version ready for download. After installing simply accept the server they give you, seems to be their "global version" over there. The first 3 or 5 games will be with bots against bots like with almost every moba but as you level up your account you should get real matches more frequently. you'll know the moment anyone sends a ping and anyone answers that ping.
saltywet edgay
saltywet edgay
nice review. loved that game, casual time with friends
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Well, let's just wait for the global server of this game
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Christina Enroll
Christina Enroll
there's actually an emblem system in honor of kings tho
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Oky doky
Oky doky
really enjoyed and learnd a few things reading this. thank you.
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mobile Legend mita
mlbb meta
Ml trash potato cheap childish game
Arjay Embrado
Arjay Embrado
how to download a honor of kings?
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