Scizor - The Best Attacker for Beginner

Scizor is an offensive mon that relies on burst attacks to knock out opponents and take advantage. Scizor's passive ability, Patient Mantis, allows it to follow up with an additional move in scoring killings. It performs similar to a sweeper, where they depend on devastating burst damage to eliminate opponents one by one.
Put in the front row or in the back row
In most cases, it is recommended to put Scizor in the back row to prevent it from control, unless you want to counter against specific mons, such as opposing Scizor or Metagross
Star up or not
Siczor plays well at 4 stars, while the 11-star passive can give him a boost to ultimate move, making its execution more solid. It is easy to star up anyway, you can earn Scyther Shards from Arena Shop
Recommended Nature
Recommended Held Items
Metal Coat raises Scizor's Physical damage and Physical Defense ignorance
Power Weight raises Scizor's Critical-Hit rate and Critical-Hit damage
Best Teammates
Back-row enemies-targeted ultimate skill, on top of that, its passive, Bug Resonance,  can give Scizor more opportunities to move
Damage buff and critical-hit rate boost aura
Critical-hit damage aura, AOE moves which reduce the HP of back-row enemies
Hard Counters
Enter [Self Sleep] when HP is lower, during which immune to all damage taken
Target the enemy with the highest attack stat, and attacks apply "confusion" effect
High basic Physical Defense stat and insane Ultimate damage reduction buff; Taunt
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