A mysterious game that was left in the shadows

Some weeks ago, at the near start of December, I found something that caught my interest:
I was just going around different pages in the Google Play Store, searching for a new rhythm, puzzle or any genre of game I would like, I even went as far to going through Google Chrome to search for different titles for mobile devices
That's when I found this weird puzzle game by the name of "Pulmonary"
I couldn't find much about it, searching for the name of the game only gives results for medical help for lungs problems, the name of the creator only gives results for his own page but even this one doesn't say anything different from the description of the same game
Admittedly, I was confused and shocked at the fact that this thing was completely left behind and no one noticed it enough to even leave a review or something
The way it works is simple: You are a skin-colored square which you can move around a 2D field by swiping at the desired direction
There is a main and troublesome condition however, your character can't see beyond the rest of the level because of a black wall covering the whole screen which you can only remove by going down, revealing what was in the rest of the level step by step
That mechanic gets used through the whole game, it even goes as far to adding some invisible stages where you need to use sound in order to locate where you are and how to avoid obstacles
I already played through what I believe is the entirety of the normal game, there is an extra part that serves as a "paid DLC" with 11 more level to play, but it doesn't seem to be important for the main message of the story, if there is one that is since the game is completely silent of any context
The game is completely free if you want to check it out, and if you find anything that could be useful or new in any way, please tell what it is, I'm really intrigued by this weird puzzle game and I want to see more people try this experience themselves
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