[Dev Blog #25] Trade House Optimizations

Greetings, Hunters of Torchlight!
In addition to the optimization of the Trade House experience, we will also introduce an important adjustment to the new season—The transaction tax.
The Trade House is a feature that we spent a lot of effort on, so Hunters can trade their items and sell rare loots for a fairer price. But now we have it, the economic system will also have a more profound impact on Hunters' farming experience. Therefore, we will monitor its operation more frequently and adjust the Trade House features more carefully based on its operation during the previous season.
Season 1 is the first time that we included such a huge number of Hunters and kept the economic system running for so long. And because of this, the price of Flame Elementium has gone up significantly and affected Hunters' farming experience in the mid to late season. We expect to slow down the rise in price by introducing a proper tax to make sure that more Hunters can have a better farming experience for a longer time.
Meanwhile, we think it's difficult for Hunters who haven't got the hang of farming to obtain Flame Elementium at the beginning, so we will exempt a certain number of Flame Elementium that Hunters obtained at the beginning from tax.
Based on these ideas, we have formulated preliminary tax rules for the Trade House. In the new season, the Trade House will adopt a phased tax system and collect tax for all revenue generated through sales. The details are as follows.
Rule 1: For every 7 currency items of the same type gained through sales, 1 currency item will be deducted by the system as tax. (The first 100 Flame Elementium are exempt from tax.)
Rule 2: When the total number of one type of currency gained through sales passes 10,000, 1 out of every 4 currency items gained will be deducted as tax.
Rule 3: When the season ends, the revenue data will be cleared and the tax will be calculated from zero again in the next season.
These rules are still under internal evaluation and testing. And we are also very cautious about the Trade House adjustment, so feel free to contact us via the community if you have anything to say about them.
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anon ymous
anon ymous
could you maybe add more info to this post? I don't see how this changes anything about the trading experience. I find items, I sell them, I get slightly less FE. Nothing is different for the buyer or seller.
Very good news, this will finally eradicate the RMT once and for all. And especially that the economy is controlled only by certain people. ( even if I am a SSF player so I don't care about AH ^^ )
Fix the huge inflation problem in the Trade House. Maybe put max price on items.
derek lee
derek lee
no please, no tax
dobre cristi
dobre cristi
Is this a 1st April joke? We are in December people
dobre cristi
dobre cristi
If are taxes, that mean we will pay more for items but take less from selling, the prices will grow to cover the taxes, verry supee BAD IDEEA
dobre cristi
dobre cristi
If you really whant to help the economy of the game,maybe an ideea is to cap some item prices, because some of them reaches at ridiculous amount of fe, like 99fe for 1 flame sand, this is a trick to full some late night tired players, but taxes means to Restrict the liberty of the gameplay experience
this is an attempt to fix the flipping problem, the biggest problem with the game imo
Passenger M
Passenger M
Why put tax thresholds like this. Put more tax rates for different prices ranges like under 100, 100 to 1000, 1000 to 5000, 5000 to 10000.....
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