I literally froze in my position

The ad that I saw in the game is not what I thought the game would be. The ad showed that you can move your character, but in the game, you can't. Your character just stands still. The game being a retro design one is a plus, but that's all.
In this game, the game lets you pick a side — yellow, blue, black, or green zone. Your goal is to deplete your enemies' health points by hitting them with snowballs. Your player has 5 snowballs at the start. After using the 5 snowballs, you have to reload. Reloading time is kind of time-consuming. It takes a considerable amount of time to fill up those 5 snowballs. And as said earlier, you can't move your character, so I don't know how to reach enemies that are out of range.
The game needs a lot of improvement. The overall gameplay needs an overhaul. Make the characters move, so they can strategically plan their next move. Fix and improve the game's fundamentals first before adding new modes, like multiplayer.
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