Mirrors Jump - Short Game Review

Mirror Jump game is a 2D game most probably reminded me of helix ball game. It’s just that instead of jumping down you need to jump up. I quite love the music of the game, very cheerful and bubbly. The character is quite cute, a small astronaut set on a mission to jump, lol but you can select another character too which looks like a pirate. There’s a market place option where you can buy your loved characters too. You also have items like rocket launcher which will help you move faster, it’s like a nitro that is set on a car game.
Personally, not my favorite game and the controls are just giving me a headache. Whenever you try to move right or left, it does not obey and just jumps on one direction or simply falls. And, this game consists a lot of advertisements too, which is quite annoying as its non-skippable but if you watch it you might even get rewards. After you reach to a certain height goal, then there’s a portal that will claim the completion of a level. This game has no story plot, its direct play and understanding the game mechanism is quite simple, just need to move right and left while jumping till you reach the goal. It is usually a single player game.
Overall, not my go to game at all as it’s really boring for me with no adventure and mostly it’s about jumping to certain inclination. But, depending on the preferences some of you might like it.
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