Welcome to the world of Dragon and Home! Beginner's Guide pt.6

This is not a comprehensive guide, but it will help you get started.  The author of this guide is not affiliated with the developers of Dragon and Home.  Made by @Mira . Thanks to her so we have this lovely guide
                                    Joining a co-home (key shortcut "H")
To join a co-home, reach level 5 and add a friend that you want to live with. If you join an existing co-home, it is free.
If you start a new one, it will cost you or your friend 5,000 WD.
By pressing "H", you can give another player permission inside your home. At this point in the game development, you cannot use another person's inventory chest or tables (crafting, artisan, furnace, etc.), even if you have permission.
In order to level up your co-home and add more people, you must do your home quests daily. Check the bulletin board beside Izan the owl to view your home stats. Once you are in a co-home, you can claim a daily co-home
bonus. Visit Izan inside your home. He gives you WD and a snack. The higher level of your co-home, the more he will give you
Home Quests
Doing daily home quests is a great way to earn WD and SD, as well as leveling your character and your co-home. Check with Izan (the owl NPC inside your home) each day. Different towns will have tasks for you to complete every day. Doing three or more of these quests will finish the home quest for you.
Be sure to claim your rewards and accept the next home quest before advancing to the next town.
Each home quest gives a reward of experience as well as in-game currency. You can choose SD, which you can later transfer to WD if you need more, but be aware that you will get less SD than WD for completion.
These quests currently reset at 7 p.m. CST every day.
If you get quests that you feel are too difficult to complete, you can return to Izan, abandon the quest, and claim it again. This will change the quests the NPCs require. If you have already completed any of the quests, you will have to start over. However, the WD you gain from completing these quests is yours to keep, so if you find yourself running low, you can complete quests, abandon the home quest, claim the home quest again, and do more quests in that same town. You can do this as much as you like, but it will get tedious.
The home coins (HC) you receive from completing your home quests can be spent in the Home Shop. Talk to Izan to view the Home Shop. These options refresh after so many hours; there is a refresh timer in the bottom left corner of the menu.
                                                            Breeze Plain NPCs
A list of NPCs based on the town/landmark they reside in:
Hunter Hut
★Kubo (east side)
★Luka (west side)
★Michael (in the house behind Kenan)
Watchtower (NOTE: There are two doors to the Watchtower. One is the obvious wooden door and the other is just to the left of the wooden door, a hole in the wall that leads to the top of the Watchtower and the other NPC.)
★Tarah (through the wooden door, at the top of the stairs)
★Luvina (at the top of the Watchtower)
Outpost (NOTE: To reach the top of the Outpost, go to the top of
the wooden stairs and turn left. There is a narrow stone staircase in
the northwest corner of the room. It continues up past Cole.)
Research Lab
                                                       Chant Forest NPCs
Tree House
★Ine Ma
★Ine Gern
★Tree House Bear (he doesn’t appear to do anything yet)
★Nul Aken
Swamp House
★Horn (he is at the bay but does have daily quests sometimes,
his coordinates are 1120, 3629)
Snow Village
★Nul Ada
★Yeva (in the chapel)
★Jacob (in the chapel)
Light Church
There are more info in the discord guide section,  join in and get along with everyone XD
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