NetEase thinks that copying other games will get success, but no. I don't know how many survival zombies NetEase made, like LifeAfter. There are so many trash games made by NetEase who surely doesn't care about players, hackers, optimizations, and NetEase doesn't even bother to fix the bugs, glitches, everything. That's why China sucks. And I'm 100% sure the NetEase fanboys will read my review and be like: "Suck it up! NetEase is the best company in the world at making beautiful games! They don't copy! And they make a beautiful graphics!". Like, no... I don't think so. You guys don't even know what beautiful games and graphics is. It's very likely that no one has ever had the PS5, Xbox Series X/S or PC. And not even the Nintendo Switch. Honestly I don't care what you say guys, I know you guys will defend NetEase, if you wanna defend, defend. If you wanna play the NetEase games, go play 'em then. But it's your problem. 🤡💀 Just wait, and you'll see.
Mentioned games
if you don't like their games then don't say shit because people like you are the reason why game creators delete their games and you have no idea how hard it is to make a single game and how much money it takes plus this is not even a zombie game so stop crying because you have a shit phone that only has 60gb of room on it and don't give a game that you have never played before a 1 star so go back to fortnite or do you have a problem with that game as well and of course games on PC, Xbox, PS4 and PS5 are going to be having better graphics then phone so stop hating phone games
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