It's a pretty pale imitation of the marvel spider-man game for ps4.
(if that wasn't clear) 
Your best bet for enjoying it is to buy the 99 cent discount you're offered at the beginning. Otherwise you'll be looking at an ad every minute and a half.
All you can actually do in this game is swing and fight. So let me just rate how those two mechanics play. The swinging and jumping plus wall running (plus web zipping) don't feel extremely fluid together. They work fine enough on their own, but obviously not as responsive or seamless when you try to chain them or mix them together.
A basic example would be the fact that you don't have the option to continue off into a leap after a web zip. You're just stuck in place which kills a lot of momentum. I wish there was a way to queue up a jump mid-zip before you land or to just hold it down to do so.
Now the fighting actually isn't awful in my opinion. The biggest problem is the clutter of buttons as you upgrade, and also the lack of variety with enemies/formations, but it plays fine I guess. I can't say much more about it. Once you've played this game for an hour you've pretty much seen all there is.
I really do see potential, hoping they could work on polishing up at least the movement. It's a small sandbox, but it doesn't need to be any bigger. It'd be fun enough to have a small slice of spider-man in your pocket.
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