Mir M Vanguard & Vagabond Could Be Good With Fixes...

Mir M seems too similar to Mir4. The playstyle and feel are all the same. The game has a new play to earn token called dogma. Play to earn games typically are bad and focus on taking advantage of unsuspecting players who are new to gaming. It's the new popular craze to get people interested in your game by having them think they will actually make money. The game lets you choose between 3 classes. A warrior, a wizard and a healing class. The problem is the wizard doesn't feel any stronger than the warrior. In fact, most of the time as a wizard you can't even kill any enemies fast enough to stop them from reaching you. So often you just sit there and get clubbed over and over by every enemy you encounter.
The graphics look grainy and pixelated even at the highest setting. When turned down to the lowest setting it only looks slightly worst. The game has all of the typical features you would expect in an mmorpg game. There isn't anything new or eye catching that makes you more interested in this as opposed to another mmo on the market to play. The game has a bajillion different way for you to spend money in the game. Including just straight up buying powerful mounts for $100 USD. The game has tons of pay to win features.
I really can't recommend this game because there are far better mmo games out there with way better graphics and more entertaining battle animations. The in-game chat system is filled with bots just spamming websites to get people to buy gold from. Gold is the premium currency in the game, but the game has a ridiculous number of different currencies as well which become confusing.
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