War of Mafia - ANOTHER Time Based Base Building Game.

War of Mafia is another time based base building type game. But this time it's about the mafia, which is a bit different than what I usually see. Usually it's always about zombies for some reason, but this time, we got Mafia. And you are trying to retake your power by taking down the biggest mafia group in the game.
Gameplay wise, the combat is average at best, but it's a lot more engaging than a lot of the other time based base building games I've played are. In this one you have to move your crew around the location, killing waves of gang members, and moving when you need to reload, and go to locations that have ammo, or extra crew to bring as backup. The extra crew act as a health booster as well.
Try not to get swarmed or you will die pretty fast. The rest of the game is focused around the base building part of the game. Where you will spend a lot of time just upgrading all your buildings, and over time the waiting time will grow and grow. You do have a lot of speed up tokens at the beginning of the game, so I spent them like crazy upgrading everything until I had none left.
By the time I had non left, the wait time on some buildings had grown to over an hour or more. And that's where you either pay for more speed ups, or you have to play the waiting game, as it is with every other one of these games. The story is average and the voice acting is mediocre at best. Visually, the game shines, and that is also usually the case with these types of games.
The artwork is fantastic, though some of the gang members do look a little too familiar to other game characters from other games. But they always have the same realistic type artwork that I see in all the other games of the same genre.
Overall I'd say that War of Mafia is just like all the other time based base building games. You will spend most of your time waiting. And you will get stuck due to having to wait. So you can't play this for long periods of time, unless you spend some money to speed up the process once you use up all your speed up tokens. The combat is a little bit different from the usual games in this genre, but it's nothing amazing. But at least it has a bit of difference. Still not worth coming back to however, and I would not play this game going forward.
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