Roller Derby Team and a Zombie cat??? Roller Drama Mobile Game Review

We are looking at a well-polished game
and I know there aren't that many roller derby games besides the one I know called Rollerdome
But this one takes a visual novel and strategic mechanics into it, which makes it interesting.
The game we are looking at today is called Roller Drama.
Lead a team of Roller Derby athletes using strategy and real-time controls: sport action on skates and an interactive story, grappling with friendship and heartbreak!
The visual novel/sport management mashup game of your (anxiety-ridden?) DREAMS!
Led a team of Roller Derby athletes using strategy and real-time controls.
Outside the ring, you'll have to manage five prominent personalities as they grapple with friendship, heartbreak, and late capitalist society.
My experience
After playing the first couple of matches, I learned how to support my team members, listen to each member's problems, and keep everyone together. I can see how tough it is to start a roller derby team from scratch.
Also, this is an enjoyable and unique experience looking at more future roller derby games, seeing how each team member has different personalities, having a weird zombie cat item, and an undead therapist.
Pros and cons of Roller Drama
Fun Characters
Zombie Cat
A fun new game for Roller Derby
Great Art Design
Interesting Visual Novel/Strategy
Only available for iOS - For Mobile Users
**Also Available for Steam**
Roller Drama is a fun, unique game; weirdly enough, only a few Roller Derby games are around, and glad to see more of these types of games available!
Roller Drama gets a rating of
Highly Recommended
Another fun game and very much recommended for iOS users
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