Ten Dates: Fast Game Review

Ten Dates is a real life-like Virtual Dating mobile game where you can go on a lot of dates and know about a lot of persons while enticing a real life conversations. I was mind blown on how this game is actually using real life characters to provide a great virtual dating experience to the players. I really loved how real life videos were shown for character introduction, setup and also the real environment to setup a good dating experience.
Looking into the gameplay, first you gotta select who you want to be. A male character named Ryan or a female character names Misha? I naturally went with Ryan coz' obviously, I wanted to see the list of chicks in this game.
After selecting the character of my choice, then I gotta setup a quick profile on my character on what will be the profile picture and what do I do for a living and what are my interests and what's my star sign! That's definitely a nice way to setup a quick bio on myself in this virtual dating app. I just loved how detailed the game is.
Finally, when it came to dating, the game definitely lived upto my expectations as I could really interact with lots of virtual/real-life human characters to start a good dating conversation. Obviously the game has its own script, but we have got lots of options and choices in the middle of the conversation that could lead to various alternative outcomes. And do brace yourself guys, coz this dating app surely does fire up real life practical questions including a characters view on sex, body counts, etc. It was definitely quite enjoyable for me to play this dating game while interacting with different chicks and enticing unique and great conversations. I definitely loved the dialogues and clear voice-overs of the characters in this game.
Overall, this game is outstanding and very unique in its real-life like approach. I was quite surprised and amazed to see this kind of game for the first time and its quite fun and finely polished game too. I definitely would love to recommend you guys to play this game. Even if you are not into mobile games, this game is just too good to miss out on. Free to play for IOS devices and Android might need to wait for its release for some time.
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