Blanc - A GORGEOUS Online Co-Op Game

Blanc is an interesting game that just came out on Windows and Nintendo Switch. Play as both a baby wolf and baby deer as they find their ways back home and become friends along the way. Gameplay wise you can either play this by yourself, or with a friend. The game recommends you play with a controller and I also recommend you play with one too, as the keyboard controls are pretty poor, they can be changed but it's not an easy task to do so.
There is also an online play mode, but that is only to play with a friend online. You need to have a friend on your friend list who owns the game in order to invite them to your match. You cannot pair up with random players it looks like. So I was left with only one option and that was to play it on my own. So this first impression is from that perspective. In order to play this on my own on the controller I just had to pick the 1 controller option before beginning the game. Once you begin the game the left joystick and the left button and trigger would control the wolf, and the right joystick and right button and trigger would control the deer.
This was, for the most part not that hard to control, though I did get things muddled up a few times. But I found if you just took turns in certain situations with the left and right side of the controller, it wasn't too hard to navigate the game. The puzzles are pretty light on the difficulty, and as is expected of a 2 player co-op experience, the 2 animals are meant to help one another to solve them. Some situations will require the deer and others the wolf, and sometimes both of them combined.
There is no dialogue in this game, but the story is still well told through the actions of the game and the interactions between the deer and wolf during the short cinematics. The game is absolutely adorable though it is a shame it is quite short. According to the steam reviews, people are able to complete the game in under 2 hours, which for a game that costs 14.99USD is a bit underwhelming if you ask me. It could have been a bit cheaper for a game that can be completed in under 2 hours play time. Visually the game is very unique.
Going for this 3D artistic book sketch style of visual art work that really was very gorgeous. It was simple and yet still able to portray a gorgeous snowy environment. The game runs really well, and I was always in the 200fps+ area while playing it. While it's not the most demanding visual game I've played, it's definitely one of the more unique ones, that's for sure.
Overall I'd say that Blanc is a fantastic co-op 2 player game that can be played on your own, but if you want the maximum as intended experience, you should definitely try to play this with a friend. While the 14.99USD price tag may be a bit steep for a 2 hour game, it's still a pretty great game to play if you have someone to play with.
I wouldn't recommend playing it on your own like I did though, it really ruins the experience if you ask me. So if you have a friend who loves to play games and would like to play a great 2 player game, I highly recommend this one to you both. And, better make sure you both have a controller to play with. Because I do NOT recommend playing this on keyboard.
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