Studio Behind Popular Indie Game Chinese Parents in Legal Dispute

Recently, Yang Geyilang, who was the primary developer of the popular indie game Chinese Parents, shared his upcoming release of Crazy for Love 2 on social media. Fans were excited about the prospect of a new game from the same creator. However, Moyuwan Games, the studio behind Chinese Parents, has issued a statement clarifying that Crazy for Love 2 is not their creation. They also revealed that Yang had left the studio some time ago and that they plan to pursue legal action against him for allegedly using his connections to prevent the mobile version of Chinese Parents from being licensed, as well as illegally acquiring confidential information and intellectual property from the studio.
                              Announcement Moyuwan Games issued
Crazy for Love 2 is an RPG management game that explores modern emotional life. The game will showcase the stories of men and women in the world of love, featuring the  experiences of blind dating and true stories that shake the heart, all set in a busy city.
Players can build their own social network and date whomever they want. However, finding true love and living happily ever after in the world of Crazy for Love 2 is not easy, as players will encounter many troublesome and realistic situations.
There are certain similarities among the core gameplay and theme in Crazy for Love 2 and Chinese Parents
Rumors of conflict between Yang and Liu had been circulating for years, especially during the time when the studio was looking for partners and trying to sell the copyright to Chinese Parents. Yang was always the one to give interviews and make connections with other gaming companies, and it seems this could be one of the reasons why the studio wants to distance itself from him.
                                                   Yang during an interview
Despite the ongoing legal dispute, Moyuwan Games remains steadfast in its commitment to continue developing exciting and innovative games for its fans. Although the legal representative for the company is still Yang, the contact information has been changed to that of Liu, the other main developer. As of now, both developers have remained tight-lipped about the dispute, but we hope that a fair and just resolution can be reached soon, allowing Moyuwan Games to continue its game development journey and for players to enjoy their much-awaited Chinese Parents Mobile.
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