I love Arknights (and why you might as well)

My first and still my favourite gaccha game that I have been playing for 3 years. I have picked up and dropped several gaccha games over the years but Arknights is one I just cannot let go of! 
The music is amazing. By no means am I an music critic but the game's music covers so many different genres and the beeps and boops as far as I can tell are great
Without spoilers, the story starts off seemingly pretty simple but I love how they kept on upping the stakes and drip feeding us more information about the world of Arknights not only throughout the main story but especially in events. Our protagonist group (Rhodes Island) ultimately feels like they are part of a moving piece in the world instead of it being set pieces for stories to happen. Each location has there own geo-politics, societal hierarchy and law, traditions, history and culture which may intermingle or clash with one another.
Terra (world of Arknights):
Honestly I never thought I would love Tower Defence gameplay this much. The only other TD I played before was plants vs zombies but Arknights really took TD genre to a whole new level with:
-Waifus (DUH)
-Lots of variety in operator kits and classes
-Ability to redeploy operators which allows for more strategy
-Enemies with different stats and gimmicks
-Stage gimmicks with each different chapter and major event
-Tough bosses with their own unique gimmick
-Unique stage layouts compared to other TD (which allows for more flexibility in operator deployment or not if it's part of the gimmick for the stage)
Operators belonging to one of the 8 main classes with different sub classes within each:
Just look at these terrifying bosses:
How a stage layout generally looks like:
I haven't even touched up on Contingency Contract (CC) which is like a seasonal game mode that lets you try hard and flex ur account as well as Integrated strategies 2 (IS2), a permanent rogue like game mode which is done so well.
As for the gaccha, it is quite F2P friendly even tho the game occasionally have limited operator banners. So far I only don't have one limited operator (Nian) and that's only cux i didn't pull for her. That should tell u just how generous the gaccha system can be. Now let me casually flex by saying "F2P BTW"
limited OPS (Gladiia and Lumen aren't really limited, we got em from events for free and yes they are 6 stars......yup FREE):
Overall, Arknights is great gaccha game with superb TD gameplay, music and an captivating story and enticing world lore. I am looking forward to where the story in particular goes to and how it might correlate to Arknights Endfield
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wholesome review!
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