Albion Online Is A Fun & Social Experience In The MMORPG Genre....

Albion Online has a ton of amazing features and depth to it. This is one MMORPG game you can play for years. The character creation at the beginning is basic and nothing special, however. Once you're done creating your character the game does a superb job of teaching you the basics. The tutorial is very informative and feels like it actually helps you learn the basic mechanics of the game. The combat system is super simple and involves you just tapping the attack button once while near an enemy. Your character then will engage in combat and continue to auto attack the enemy. You can also activate special attacks as well.
The game is available for both mobile devices and has a dedicated pc client. The graphics are decent for the style they are going for. The camera view is stationed and not 3d rotating which can cause you to lose the view of your character at times when moving behind trees or objects. The game has you exploring the different areas of the world and gathering resources to craft. The game also has a very nice guild system and encourages you to be social with the other live players. The game has a player driven market where players are selling and buying items from each other and trying to make the most coin.
The world chat does have lots of shady things going on like people spamming websites to go to in order to get gold for cheap. Some of the UI can be clunky when it comes to crafting because of all the windows that pop up and then require you to X out of each one individually. Overall, though it's a nice mmorpg experience that most people will enjoy. I say give it a try and make some new online friends.
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most unfair game I ever played
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