Kerbal Space Program 2 first impressions

Developer: InterceptGames
Publisher: PrivateDivision
Released: 24 Feb, 2023
Price: $49.99 USD
I'm not usually a fan of sandbox games where there's no real incentive to explore or progress through a game other than your own imagination, but despite being in early access, the building blocks are there for Kerbal 2.
Your goal is to create your own space program, being creative while also understanding how physics works, to utilize your creations and exploration.
So far, I've completed the majority of the tutorials, and the game has promise, comparable to how its predecessor was a tremendous hit with the community.
Nevertheless, as with most games, it doesn't feel like everything is there "yet."
Urgent Concerns
It appears to be lacking.
You are not currently purchasing a game that is on par with its the original.
In its current condition, the game feels like a test demo with some polish thrown in here and there. I'm aware that the Kerbal Space Programs early access had this issue, but that was ten years ago, and this shouldn't be happening again.
This means that we shouldn't be able to see much progress for a few weeks or months after this initial release, so it's not looking too good at this current time.
Third-Party Launcher
This is something that no game needs. When you launch the game, you will be faced with a launcher that will prompt you to join up or to skip the sign-up.
There is never a rational reason to have numerous applications open at the same time to play a single game, especially a single-player game at that.
It's possible that the devs are attempting to push for a platform where the community could contribute all of their mods, but even then, it's annoying.
Problems with the Application
While I haven't directly crashed or had any specific issues with the game itself, aside the one "not-responding" issue, I am well aware that others have been having problems on their side, like being incapable of loading the game at all.
It's early access, and there are so many things that developers can't test on their client computers. It's something that will get better with time as they fix it.
It's possible it's just a hardware issue, as the system requirements are a bit high. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to put a niche game out of reach for a number of potential players. They have mentioned this will be adjusted through EA.
Great voice explanation
Even though the interface itself was quite complex and tough to navigate, it was really helpful to have a spoken explanation of what they wanted me to do and when they wanted me to do it. While being informative about rocket science.
It was very thorough even to someone like myself who isn't that knowledge about a vast majority of space exploration and lingo. I can really see the work and effort that they put into trying to be as clear and simple as possible.
Some issues
In comparison to the original game, things are more difficult to learn, requiring a little more work to understand the controls and UI. The tutorial does an excellent job of assisting you in successfully navigating this big obstacle.
It's not all there right now
It will take some time to reach the level of the first game. The groundwork has been laid for the essential actions to be taken to get it to where it needs to be.
The original game was a solitary project with several issues similar to those encountered in this game. The difference now is that this game has been in development for roughly three years and is being worked on by a larger team.
Only time will tell if these changes will actually be made.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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