An Ecchi vertical bullet shoot’em up | Full Review - XCUTE(me)

XCUTE(me) is a vertical scrolling bullet-hell shoot'em up game (AKA “shmups”), featuring cell-shaded graphics and anime-inspired female ecchi characters.
+alluring cell-shaded characters
+simple touch controls
+metal soundtrack
-The UI and the presentation felt underdeveloped
-Game's content may not be suitable for all audiences
The game features four different executer-class “XCUTE” fighter ships, each piloted by a cute female fighter, and each with their own different types of shooting pattern.
These fighter ships are reverse engineered from enemy technology, from the mysterious (also cute and sexy) interdimensional beings called X.GHOSTS. These beings have conquered Earth in the far future and it's up to our heroines to  ̶u̶n̶d̶r̶e̶s̶s̶  defeat them and save the day.
The gameplay is simple and can be playable with mostly one finger, occasionally two. Hold the screen to continuously fire and lift your finger to change projectile colors. Avoid all projectiles at all costs. Matching the gun color to the enemy color will give more points, providing a sort of added challenge to the players instead of purely focusing on pure destruction. When the energy meter is full, two finger taps will release a powerful special move.
There are five stages with bosses to face at the end, these are the giant X.GHOSTS girl units that you have to  ̶u̶n̶d̶r̶e̶s̶s̶  defeat. Damaging them will slowly chip away their clothes, until they are in their undies (just ecchi, no nudity). There is a bit of replayability by way of looping the five stages after you beat these five without dying. Making it ten stages total with the true final boss at the end.
XCUTE(me) is a messy bullet hell shooter, with lots of projectiles on screen producing a lot of clutter, it doesn’t help that your 1-2 fingers are also on it, potentially blocking some of the action on an already limited vertical screen space.
Still, I found it fun and entertaining especially when you’re just amped by the absolutely metal soundtrack that caught me off guard and steals the show. Superbly adding an intense and exhilarating vibe to the game.
The soundtrack and gameplay go hand-in-hand and creates a dazzling experience of bullet hell mayhem that is forgiving to the player. Despite all the carnage, I somehow was able to survive and stay alive many times. Your fighter’s hitboxes are teeny-tiny; it’s just a single dot in the center of the fighter. This allows you to squeeze and “clip” your fighter into the smallest of openings and come out completely unscathed.
All in all, XCUTE(me) shouldn’t take you more than half a day of playing to complete, but its replayability is highly dependent on how you like the gameplay and how you like to replay the five stages. At a reasonable price of $5, It’s not asking much for a try, especially for shmups aficionados.
It’s not something that stands out, but the anime-inspired female ecchi characters and the cell-shaded graphics make the game visually appealing and entertaining. However, it is important to note that this game's content may not be suitable for all audiences.
The UI and the presentation felt underdeveloped and amateurish, with dull colors, fonts and sharp edges for the UI elements. Even the English localization is full of errors and mistranslations.
XCUTE(me) is a game that offers a somewhat enjoyable gameplay experience. The simple touch controls, forgiving difficulty, and added challenge of matching gun color to enemy color, combined with the cell-shaded sexy characters and metal soundtrack make this game worth trying out at a reasonable price of $5.
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