Hoe is an ultimate weapon. Tacape Review

Today we have a roguelike deckbuilder card game Tacape and its time to go through all the main game features and rate them with a lot of personal bias.
Lets go!
Tacape features 2 game modes: roguelike and campaign. I didnt had a chance to play roguelike mode, I suppose you just get random enemy encounters over there, but we can talk about campaign.
The story starts with your little brother being lost. And cinematics hints you that there is more to it than the eye can see, but right after that you go on exploration in the nearby forest to look for him
Tacape gameplay mechanics is pretty similar to other roguelike card games. You have a deck of cards, that you upgrade as you play. Your hand consists of 5 random cards from your deck and in order to use those cards you have to use energy that is being replenished every turn. If you dont use some of the cards they will go to the exhaust deck along with the used ones, so there is no point saving good cards for some combos.
You can have up to 4 enemies on the battlefield, and they can move between the rows and columns sometimes. Some enemies feature special abilities that can be used against them or should be countered.
Each of 2 playable characters in Tacape have unique mechanics. Either Fear or Courage. Courage is basically additional damage to your attack moves and it can be further amplified by cards and artifacts. Fear is locked behind the character I couldnt play.
And yeah, just like that you go from one area to another, you can get a fight, elite enemy, shop, free cards and/or artifacts and campfire options that are picked randomly as you advance on your adventure.
In the end of each floor there is a boss fight that features some special enemies with abilities.
Controls are pretty straightforward, you can either pull the cards from your hands to their target to play them or click on the card and then click on the target.
I felt that animations and time between cards can be lowered for faster progression or its would be a good idea to let us do chain actions, so things would go faster.
Progression in the Tacape is happening in form of going through the areas, since its a roguelike you go from one area to another, you can get a fight, elite enemy, shop, free cards and/or artifacts and campfire options that are picked randomly as you advance on your adventure.
In the end of each floor there is a boss fight that features some special enemies with abilities.
Gameplay Score: 5/10
Tacape difficulty is balanced, you can go through first few areas without significant problems if you just use common sense. Although, since its a roguelike critical fails might happen, so dont expect an easy adventrure.
I should mention that health recovers only next to campfires, there is no healing between the fights. Its important to use the right tactics to avoid unnecessary damage.
Difficulty Score: 6/10
Graphics is very simple and cartoonish, I am not a big fan of that graphical style, but it might be a personal preference. Animations are pretty basic, but design of the characters and enemies is pretty interesting.
Overall dont expect a lot from graphics in this game.
Graphics Score: 4/10
Sounds and Music
Tacape features pretty good soundtrack. Music compositions are nice, long and they fit the game atmosphere very good. I've notices few compositions, based on the enemy difficulty.
Sounds arent special, but good to the ear and fit overall picture pretty well
Sounds and Music Score: 7/10
F2P or P2W
Tacape features first free area to test the gameplay. That free floor lasts for about 10-15 minutes. After that you have to either buy the full game or character campaigns.
Full Campaign (both characters) costs about 3.5 USD
Lorena Campaign and unlock costs 2.5 USD
Lucas Campaign and unlock costs 3.5 USD
F2P Score: Game costs 3.5 USD.
Overall scores and Conclusion
Gameplay 5/10
Difficulty 6/10
Graphics 4/10
Sounds and BGM 7/10
F2P - paid game
Overall I havent found anything special about Tacape other than it is somehow connected to Brasilian mythology. Gameplay doesnt feature anything special and I couldnt feel the progression in the free version, so I am not sure if there is any character growth and development between the runs.
If the free game would feature more gameplay with growth mechanics I think it would hook more players in.
Overall score: 6/10
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