Destiny 2 PROS and CONS. Is it Good?

Is Destiny 2 good if you are a new player?
In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of Destiny 2 so you can decide if this is the right game for you.
1. Fun and visual combat.
Destiny 2 isnt trying to be realistic FPS game. Its a great hybrid between FPS and RPG genre. Fighting enemies is fun, you have skills that you can use, teamwork and variety of different weapons. Visuals are fantastic and amount of enemies makes fights really easy to enjoy.
2. Insane amount of content.
For all the years Destiny 2 is out it got a lot of updates and grown huge amount of things to do. You have a lot of single-player content, group dungeons, pvp, raids and all those things are entertaining as hell
3. Public events
As you explore the areas you will meet random players around you. Moreover from time to time you will get sort of event, where the enemy invasion will take place with some scenario. Fights there are pretty hard and rewards are good, so players will flock to that area and fight off invaders together.
Overall those things make you feel like you play in a live world with random stuff happening from time to time
4. Active playerbase.
To this day Destiny 2 is rocking very active playerbase, so you wont be left behind alone in a group dungeon or sit in matchmaking for long. There are always a lot of players for various types of content.
1. Learning curve
Since Destiny 2 have a lot of content to it, you will have to learn a lot about how the game works and how your character works, in order to be effective team member. This will be essential in late game content, since fights there become way more brutal.
2. Paid game + battle pass
And a lot of different options in the store.  Battle pass rewards arent limited to cosmetics, but contain boosts that allow you to get weapon exp faster, crafting and upgrade materials and so on.
So basically if you want to play on even ground with others you need to consider getting battle pass for 10 usd per season or so.
Verdict. Is Destiny 2 good?
Yes! its a fantastic game, more RPG than FPS and it have great story and combat. If you never played it before grab f2p version and play it for a couple of days to decide if its worth it for you.
But yeah, even without battle pass you will have to buy expansions in order to enjoy latest game content.
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