Limbus Company - A Quick Game Review

Limbus company is a RPG gacha game with lots of cool looking characters in its roster. For the first time, I got defeated by a game in its lobby screen! I just could not find where the story/adventure content is! But eventually I found it after a lot of frustrations. None the less, I think that the game is a true masterpiece that offers great story rich plots and very unique battle system which was honestly quite awesome!
Looking into the gameplay, it is really unique! I instantly fell in love with this new gameplay style. It actually took me some time to figure out on what exactly to do to input skill commands to our characters. But when I found it, its really awesome! So, at a time, you can hire upto a total of 4 characters in your party. You can input commands for them by linking the chain of selected skills from left gear until the right gear.
Once you execute the input skill command, your whole team goes into a frenzy of bloodbath where all of your characters use their indicated special abilities against your enemies. Its a team turn based strategy battle system where your entire team charge against enemies and your enemies charge against you at the same time too! Its like an ultimate brawl. I really appreciated the toonish type graphical feature of this game.
This game is a RPG gacha game. You can recruit a lot of unique characters in this game. We do have a  lot of waifus and husbandos in this game and they all look pretty awesome. But I found the gacha rate to be quite bad. Just 1.3% gacha rate for top rarity units is just too bad.
Overall, this game is very amazing and I really recommend you guys to try this wonderful game out! Very amazing graphics and sound. Smooth gameplay and no lags or crashes so far. But the loading screen is quite long. Plus there is no tutorial in this game which I think is very essential for this mysterious unique game. Let me know what you think of think of this game in the comments below.
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