Project EVO Updates - Mar. 3, 2023

Dear players, you can log into the game now! Thank you for your patience. Please click here to download the latest build:
Gameplay Updates:
1. Added a new map.
2. Added a session mode: Casual Mode. In this mode, when you die, you only drop Embers and get to keep all other items.
3. Optimized the actions and behaviors of Horses.
4. Added a new boss to the Dangerous Zones of Civilization Ruins. Kill the boss to get numerous rewards and Embers.
5. Canceled the feature that allowed players to craft Recyclers.
6. Added small Ruins to the Open World. Watch out for zombies while you are there.
7. Improved the short-range combat capabilities of SMGs. Also, shotguns can now hit players more easily.
8. Optimized the Tech Tree content.
9. Added a description box to supplies for new players to know what those supplies do.
10. Added a feature that can quickly place Facilities. You can access this feature while building structures.
11. Optimized the user experience of character actions, such as picking up an item or swimming.
12. Iterated numerous sound effects, making the combat more realistic and thrilling.
13. Optimized the location of Civilization Ruins monsters in a session.
14. Optimized the programming logic of building areas.
15. Added Easter Egg notes to sessions. Players will have to discover them by themselves.
16. Added Survival Manuals to sessions. Access your Tablet and complete missions to earn in-session rewards.
17. Optimized many AI effects.
18. Optimized the performance of many visual assets and their visual effects.
19. Fixed some bugs.
20. Added the Spray feature to sessions.
Event Updates:
1. Added the event: Forerunner Rally. Log in every day to claim rewards.
2. Added the event: Spearhead Operation. Complete missions to earn items and use them to redeem rewards.
3. Added the event: Origin Roulette. You can draw certain limited items in this event.
4. Added Shop and Storage. Also added Character Skins, Weapon Skins, Sprays, and more. Go to Storage to equip your skins.
Feature Updates:
1. Added some simple questions that show up when you play the game for the first time. These questions will help us recommend the best session modes to you.
Totan Mondal
Totan Mondal
please send me activation code
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